Monday 25 May 2020

Lately - Wine, Pizza, Job Interview & More Painting

I didn't take many pictures this week, but there was a lot that happened since last Monday! This weekend I randomly decided to paint our main floor powder room (classic Renee). David is also painting the office, so there was a lot of "survival mode" going on with respect to parenting and cooking haha! (A little more Mickey Mouse Clubhouse than usual)...

However, we received a gift box a while ago from PC Insiders with some pizza making supplies. I went out of my comfort zone and made some dough, and Scott lent me his pizza stone and spatula thing. I made up 3 pizzas, which was way more than our family of 4 needed, but gave us some good leftovers!

I started reading this "How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk" book this week. It's all positive parenting tips and methods that I've been trying to work on, so it's a great refresher/reminder. When Dom wanted to come down from quiet time early the other day I was reading so I used some of the techniques in the book and he sat down beside me for half an hour and went and grabbed his own book to read all by himself while I finished up my quiet time! Magic :)

Dom has this hilarious way of playing with these screws from his tool kit. These are no longer screws. They are garbage cans, and the plyers are his "picker-upper". He lines up all his screws and takes his picker-upper and plays garbage truck; picking up each screw and "pbfvvvvvvvv dump!" over his shoulder. His patience and meticulous focus is impressive. This is one of his favorite quiet time activities too. He'll do it on his car mat ad put each screw on one of the bushes or trees, then go around and dump each one over and over. 

Mom and Dad spent months having their kitchen renovated, and we had all planned on having a merlot tasting night there when it was done. Well... it was finished about 3 days after COVID restrictions came into play. How anti-climactic! We finally gathered to have our merlot tasting evening, and boy was it delicious! The kids went to bed there, and after last weekend where they shared the big guest bed, I told Emilia they were going to go to bed at Opa and Omas. She said, "mmmm.... own bed." Guess she actually wanted to get some sleep this time! Haha. 

Yummy yummy!

Book Club
I am reading "Becoming" for a book club with Marta, Aly, Ashleigh, Aunty Sonya and myself. We had our first meeting last Thursday evening and it was great! I It was nice to talk to my sister-in-laws (sisters-in-law?) without the boys around. We could actually talk! I have to read the next section for our next meeting on June 4th. It's a great way to keep accountable for reading.

Doctor for Emilia
On Friday I also had a Dr appointment with Emilia. Her anterior fontantelle (The hole in the skull towards the front of the head) still hasn't fused. This is not very common at all, and can be a symptom of some serious disorders, so the doctors want to monitor it closely. They did all her measurements, and asked me a bunch of questions, and seem quite confident it's just a "normal, individual variant". She is hitting all her milestones, doesn't appear to be in any pain, and doesn't have any other symptoms of anything more serious. We will go get another checkup in a few months, but all signs point to nothing to worry about! I wasn't really worried, but it's still disconcerting to hear something like that, where the doctors aren't sure why it's happening. She seemed confident it's slowly closing and just taking longer than usual (96% of kids fontanelles are closed by the age of 2). 

Job Interview
Today I finished painting the bathroom, but I also had a job interview (whaaat?!). Last year around this time I was just deciding not to return to my full-time position at Fraser Health so that I could be home with the kids more. At that time I saw that the midwives (Community Birth Program) was hiring a Medical Office Assistant for a 1-2 day a week position. I was stoked. I applied and was being vetted for the position, but the person who was going to leave decided to stay a while longer. I then got hired at the Spartan Foundation in September and that filled my part-time work wishes. 

The other day I saw on Facebook that the Community Birth Program was again hiring a part-time MOA. Before I could even think about it I had sent in my resume and within half an hour had been contacted to come in for an interview. At that point I kind of panicked. I can't take on a second part-time job, and I have no intentions of leaving my current one! However, I went in to the interview today with an open mind. I was prepared to sell myself and talk myself up. Apparently I didn't have to. They offered me the job on the spot. They had already made up their minds! The interview was less "let's get to know you" and more "so this is the job and we want you, now go think about it." Well that's overwhelming and surprising! His exact words were, "You check every single one of our boxes, so now you can decide if we check yours." Sounds like a dream come true, and it would be a lot to think about, but the pay is significantly less than I'm making now, and I just can't justify that. Especially when David would have to be watching the kids and losing more work or we'd have to be paying childcare the two days I'm at that office. 

If it was a pay increase and they offered medical benefits I'd definitely have to think about it seriously. I have emailed the clinic and let them know I won't be able to accept the position. What a whirlwind! I wasn't sure I was going to be able to make two jobs work anyway with where we're at in life, and getting in to David's busy season. 

Nice to be wanted and sought after though! Great for the confidence :)


  1. My daughter's fontanelle was super late to close, too! We went to the doctor for a check up at around 2. She is the same age as Dom and hers closed sometime around 2.5. It made me worry but all good!
