Thursday 7 May 2020

Thankful Thursday - 220 & Lately

A long one, but I've been SO busy at work I haven't had the chance to post any little updates. Also, with this sunshine it's easy to find things to be thankful for!

This week I am thankful for...

1. Strength. I am stronger and in better shape than I've ever been. I credit yoga 5+ times per week for this! It's been a wonderful form of exercise, discipline and self care for me. 

2. Quick, easy, DELICIOUS recipes! David asked me to try this recipe, and it's definitely a keeper! I'm glad he asked, because I've passed over it many times. 

3. Girls Night. Ashleigh and I had a girls night and watched some crappy movies, drank some wine, and she did my hair and makeup! She misses her sisters and being close to them, and I didn't grow up with sisters doing my makeup, so it was a great trade off!


4. Our little preschooler. Every day Dom becomes more of a boy instead of a toddler. We often catch ourselves gaping at his vocabulary or his ways of thinking (he asks very big questions sometimes). This week Dom was talking about letters and started listing cars and what letter they start with. I rolled with it and made a little chart with spots for each car he picked out and put a letter in them. He spent a good 15 minutes matching up the car with the correct letter. 

5. That they have each other. I was talking to my sister-in-law, Rachel, yesterday about how the kids were faring during this pandemic. Rebecca really misses her friends and family, and it made me realize how grateful I am that Dom & Emilia have each other to socialize with and play with and fight with (maybe less grateful for that part). 

6. Relaxing afternoon at Mom & Dad's. It's hard to feel normal when you can't even hug, but we're taking baby steps towards a "new normal". I gotta say, the introvert in me is secretly loving the fact that we likely won't have the "shake hands in church" thing for a long, long, time. I do, however, miss social interactions with grown ups!
My mom and dad just finished this puzzle. It's wooden, and each piece has a totally unique shape. This will be my next puzzle project!

While the kids played, I got a few minutes to sit outside with a glass of rose and relax <3 Perfection!

We got sushi for an outdoor dinner, while the kids ate toast, applesauce and grapes. (Not quite ready for them to become sushi snobs yet! Haha)

7. Emilia turns two on Saturday. Hooooowwwwww did this happen? I got her some presents (normally I don't do presents at all, but why are little girls so fun to buy for?!). I got them on marketplace. Some play mobil toys for $25, and a WHOLE SCHWACK of Littlest Pet Shop (is that what it's called) toys and castles. Like literally more toys than I've ever owned. I may be more excited than she will be though, it's like little girl Renee's dream toys. 

Dog agility set!

Seriously... All of this plus a big bucket of animals/accessories... For FREE!

8. Staying connected. Aunty Sonya asked if we were free to read a book to Dom & Em before bed one day. I plunked them down with some fish crackers, unsure of how they'd do, and they (Dom especially) were totally engaged! It was super cute, and great to see her again too!

9. May the Fourth Be With You. Dom asks all the time to watch Star Wars, so we finally sort of gave in on May 4. We watched some Lego Star Wars in the evening, and he's been talking about it ever since.

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