Thursday 5 March 2020

Thankful Thursday - 213

This week I am thankful for...

1. Health. It looks like we're all back to being healthy again, and hoping we can keep it that way! The Corona Virus (COVID-19) is all over the media, and I'm not particularly worried about it for myself, but I hope that Dom doesn't get it (or any respiratory cold/flu) since he seems to have weak lungs. There are also others in my life that could be affected more severely by it. If nothing else, I hope this outbreak and all the media stress around it gets everyone thinking about hand hygiene! At Costco last weekend they were handing out Lysol wipes at the door. Brilliant, I think, even when there's not a virus outbreak! I also went to Costco yesterday after work (1230), and it was SO busy! Since when is it nearly impossible to find parking on a Wednesday at lunch time?! The lineups were also way longer than average. Walking through the store, I was chuckling to myself how at least 90% of the carts had 1+ package of toilet paper. I understand we need to be prepared in case of quarantines, but why is toilet paper the one hot commodity?! Maybe I'd understand if it was a stomach flu going around... I actually took a few pictures trying to capture the significance of the toilet paper purchases. I also felt pressured into buying a pack, but we'll be into it within a week or two anyway. 

Us being healthy... Also posting this so that the first photo on the blog isn't strangers buying toilet paper :)

It's hard to tell in the pictures, but almost every single cart has toilet paper in it! I was literally standing in line laughing to myself (particularly after Scott pointed out that this man clearly caught me being a creeper taking a picture)

Who even has storage for this much toilet paper?! Amazing.

2. Free play places. I took the kids to the museum the other morning and it was so great. I know we've been a dozen times, but this time it was much less busy (a plus side of people panicking about a virus I suppose?), so the kids actually played more. 

Crawling through the new "Arctic" interactive exhibit

Snack break!

I laughed at the t-bone steak in the greenhouse area

Emilia's head is in the way, but I love this shot of Dom catching the scarves falling from the sky. He often asks me why it rains, so this helped explaining it to him!

There was a book about "Underground" and the first page was about hell. Super not child-appropriate, but entertaining for an adult.

3. Emilia growing up! Bitter sweet, but so fun to see her developing! She is now all of a sudden able to do this 12-piece puzzle all by herself! She's so patient, "This way! This way! Maybe.... This one? Ohhhhhh!!!" 

This is her thumbs up :)

We ended on a low note, but started out really well, so I'll focus on the positive! Dom & Em went off to play together, so I got to hang out with Emmett! He reminds me of Dom in the sense that he's so big! He's only 12 weeks! <3 (This is the baby boy that Emilia has named her doll after - the one that she always puts on the potty - "Baby Emmett")

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