Thursday 13 February 2020

Thankful Thursday - 212

This week I am thankful for...

1. Marriage Maintenance plans! I mentioned before that a lovely lady I met at a Spartan Foundation event offered us her place in Osoyoos if we wanted to have a weekend away without the kids. Well I jumped right on that! We are planning to go to Walnut Beach Resort in Osoyoos March 13-16! Three nights! Not until it was all confirmed did I realize I actually have a seminar/workshop I'm supposed to attend in Vancouver March 16 and 17... Haven't quite figured out how I'm going to navigate that one yet. Could send someone in my place, but then I don't get the info that I signed up for... Can't move the trip a day earlier unless we find someone to watch the kids on the 12/13th. 

I'll see a couple weeks before hand if we can change it to the 20th weekend, but I don't want to have my period on the trip haha! Have to plan around that and it could happen either weekend at this point!

2. New successful meals. The kids are both typically pretty good about eating, but I'm often wary to try something new. I made this "Wowie Maui Chicken" the other day and it was a winner! Everyone ate it, and it was SUPER easy and quick to make, and made lots of leftovers. 

Also, my food actually turned out like the picture which is a win in my books. 

3. A good laugh. I am looking for new bar stools for our island, and messaged someone yesterday to ask how tall the stools they were selling are. Their response was just too good! 

"Selling two bar stools. Very comfy and STUDY."
Me: How tall are these?
Her: I'm 5 8 and these go just past my knees

Ummmm.... okay thanks?

4. When they play nice. If I'm in the room they are so whiny and needy and cranky, but if they escape away by themselves or forget I'm around they are best friends. I am currently sitting at the kitchen island listening to music while they play on the stairs and upstairs in Emilia's room doing who knows what. (They often play "airplane" or "car" on the stairs, where Dom sits at the bottom in the "cockpit" and she is up at the top as a passenger). 

Oh also thankful for health! A lot of our friends are sick with a stomach bug this week, and so far our family is in the clear!

5. An attempt at being "yes mom". Yesterday I tried not saying no every time they asked me to do something. This meant we were doing some painting even though I didn't feel like it haha. 

I guess "yes mom" doesn't always yield happy results for the kids either. You want to paint yourself? Sure, why not. Haha!!

6. David's working again! The last two weeks have been a complete 180 for David's work. He's been really busy, and you won't see us complaining! It's nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel of our stress. 

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