Tuesday 18 February 2020

Kids Say

Me: Dom, you're so funny.
Dom (with all the attitude): No Mommy! I am NOT funny..... I am hi-LAR-ious!

Dom: Mommy, look at Emilia's big boobs!

We're pulling up to the grocery store. 
Dom: Mommy, here's the grocery store. We're going to go buy ground beef and eggs and yogurt and go to the counter to pay - GASP! MOMMY! DID YOU BRING YOUR MASTERCARD?!

Listening to Josh Groban's Ava Maria
Dom: Mommy is this hockey?
Me: What?
Dom: Ya, like Oh Canada?

He's obsessed with toe jam. He will fully undress himself during "nap" time because he "had to check his toe jam." He asks if he can take off my socks and then checks each of my toes, saying, "Mommy, I'm checking your toe jam. Oh you're being so brave mommy. Good job!"

Me: Emilia's the lucky one.
Dom: Mommy's not lucky?
Me: Nope. Guess not!
Dom: Are you Simon then?
*A little Wiggles humour. He thought I said Lachy*

Opening presents at the big Gerber Christmas. He opens some hotwheel tracks. Next present he opens is two cars wrapped in a waffles box. 
Dom: Oh Mommy!!! I got waffles!

In the car...
Dom: Mommy, what's it smell like?
Me: Brakes.
Dom: Mmmm... I love grapes!

I told Dom I was taking Emilia for her booster (for her flu shot). When we get home Dom is sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for us.
Dom: So mommy, where is it?
Me: Where is what?
Dom: Emilia's booster!

I'm playing with Emilia's animal toys with her, the shark in particular. 
Me: *jaws theme* Duuuuun dun. Duuuuun dun. Dun dun dun dun...
Emilia copies me. Cute. Then she gets up and grabs her plastic dog toy.
Emilia: Puuuuuup-py. Puuuuuup-py. Puppy puppy puppy...

Playing doctor with Dom and the doctor toys. He picks up the tweezers and pinches my hand.
Dom (very seriously): Mmm... you have a lizard.
Me: A lizard?
Dom: Ya
Me: Do you mean a sliver?
Dom: Ya!

Dom begs me to come play basketball with him. I oblige, but after a few missed shots....
Dom: Mommy, don't play with me. Emilia can play with me. You.... go do the dishes. 

At Costco walking past the big hams (some wrapped in red foil)
Dom: WOW! Look at those big... big... ummm... big strawberries!

Dom playing sneakily under the table so I go see what he's doing, and he deliberately nicely tries to tell me to go away.
Dom: Don't look at me mommy. Can you go see how Emilia is doing? Can you go check on her?

Dom: Oh! My diaper catches my fart!

Dom: Emilia, I'm going to give you a haircut! Cut off your ponytail!... Don't worry Mom, I'm just pretending. 
*Emilia runs away*

Playing with the doctor kit and had the tiny dentist mirror.
Dom: Emilia! Come look in the mirror! you can see how handsome you are!

Emilia at the top of the stairs: DOM! DOMMMMMM! DOOOOOMMMMM!!!
Dom: Emilia, you don't have to yell. You can try it like, "hey Dom."

Getting Dom out of bed
Me: Oh look at your belly! So cute and soft!
Dom pushes out his belly: Now I am Opa!

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