Thursday 3 October 2019

Thankful Thursday - 198

Look at me, remembering what day of the week it is and actually making time to sit down and write a blog! Go me!

Life is crazy busy and I definitely have a moment or two every couple days, but there has been so much goodness that it makes the busyness worth it! This one is kind of a Thankful Thursday, kind of a "what I've done the last week". Maybe I'm thankful for what we've done and for remembering to document it! Haha

1. A walk at Tynehead. Last Saturday was the most perfect, beautiful Fall day. David was working, so I texted to see if anyone wanted to join (help) me at Tynehead. Scott, Ashleigh and my mom met me there and we did the fish hatchery loop. One of us had the stroller, one had the dog, one had Emilia and one had Dominic. I had to laugh that we managed to split it up between 4 of us, but normally I'd just do it all on my own. I must look like a crazy person!

Dom's "walking stick", which he quickly decided was a broom and spent too long sweeping the leaves.

She kept asking to walk, but also demanded her blanket. Well... it collected ALL the leaves haha.

Emilia finally decided that Opa isn't too scary to read books with haha! She voluntarily went over there and engaged. 

2. Cousin Playtime. We went to Dave's parents' place on Sunday for dinner and the three kids played soooo well together. They normally hardly acknowledge each other's existence, but I guess they're all getting to an age now where playing together is easier. They crawled/ran up and down the hallway over and over, giggling away. This is what cousins are for!

Hard to capture in photos.

So here's a video!

3. CARPET CLEANER! Kerriann graciously offered to lend me her carpet cleaner so I could try it out. The Hoover Smartwash something something was crazy on sale at Canadian Tire, and I'd been thinking for years about buying one of these things. I cleaned our couch and kitchen chairs and was sold. We went out the next day and bought our Hoover. Regular $550, on for $250. Now I just need time to use it! Honestly... the amount of dirt that came out of our couch was nauseating. Kids and dogs, I tell ya.

4. Circus school. Rachel invited me to an open gym for toddlers at the circus school at the New West Quay. It is $3/kid, so I was sort of expecting to just swallow that money and have two insecure kids attached to my legs the whole time. Dominic surprised me SO much. He didn't once ask to be picked up, or cry about being overwhelmed. I think it helped that everyone there was around his age/size or younger, so he wasn't so intimidated. It brought so much joy to me to see him being adventurous, trying new things, and being proud of himself. 

Dom climbed the rock wall! All the way up and down by himself. I couldn't believe it.

Dom & Rebecca playing peekaboo with the ribbon things. There were a few times Dom just ran away to do his own thing and I had a brief moment of panic. So not used to him being like this. He's growing up!

He even went up on the big trampoline all by himself. I fully expected a, "Mommy come with me. Mommy carry me." But instead it was like, "Mommy help me up. SEE YA!"

5. Dinner out. It was Scott's 26th birthday yesterday, and almost the whole family went to Cactus Club Coquitlam to celebrate with him. We brought the kids. Dominic was a perfect angel. Emilia was THAT kid. She would not sit still, and terrorized me the whole time. It could have gone worse, they could have cried or been embarrassing instead of just annoying. She's lucky she's so darn cute. Needless to say, next time we go out for a nice dinner we will not be bringing the kids along haha! Makes it harder to enjoy the $70 worth of food and drink!

I found this sweater in Dom's box of 18 month clothes

Yummmm this poke bowl looks delicious! Can't wait to dig in!

Emilia seems to think it looks yummy, too. 

Every bite I took she'd open her mouth trying to snatch it. 

Finally she found a spare fork kicking around and dug in herself. I guess she likes poke! She was eating so fast. Three bites to my one. 

6. Small group beer tasting. I love our small group. Most of our meetings end up being sort of socials, but maybe that's what we need at this point in our lives. Last night we planned a social "beer tasting". Everyone brought 1-2 tall boys and we tried them all and gave them a rating from 1-10. The winning beer for the evening got a prize to take home. If I had known there was a prize I would have picked differently haha. Sooo fun though! Tons of laughter, chatting, and some baby snuggles in there too :)

Cutest little tasting cups

The winning beer! Delicious. 

The official score sheet

Now I'm off to the office for an extra day this week for the yearly audit. I'm nervous. They're not auditing my work, but still... I have to answer a lot of their questions and locate documents they need. Wish me luck!

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