Thursday 10 October 2019

Thankful Thursday - 199

This week I am thankful for...

1. The fur-baby. Always holding me accountable for getting some exercise! He's such a beautiful boy, and is so supremely patient with the kids. I'm pretty sure Emilia is his master though, because she's the only one who sneaks him food off the table (bad Emilia).

2. Blue-eyed beauties. Dom and Emilia have very different eyes, but I guess they're both blue. Dom's are becoming more greeny-grey, Emilia's are blue blue! How am I so lucky to have these babies! Also, I think me going back to work makes me a better Mom. I'm so much more patient for the last 4 hours of the day when I've had a "break" the first half of the day! It's just 2 days a week, but boy is it nice! The pictures here don't show their eyes very well, but they're cute :)

3. Marketplace finds. I got a little budget to do some reorganizing at work (YES!), and if you know me, you know I like to make the most of my money. We desperately needed a filing cabinet or some sort of storage, so I took to the ole Marketplace. I found a 6ft tall filing cabinet for our storage area for $50!! I also got a smaller one for the boss for $30. Both in good condition, and the big one was even delivered to work. A really nice man brought it to the Langley Events Centre, so Dave, the kids and I met him there one evening. He was so lovely, and I got to show Dave my office! Emilia liked the swivel chair, and Dom liked watching the hockey practice that was going on in the main arena and the volleyball practice in the big gym. I'm pretty sure he thinks my work is the coolest place ever. 

Its temporary home until I can get the storage area organized. It blocks the motion sensor light from where I sit, so every 20 minutes the light turns off and I have to wave my hand out over the end of the desk haha. I should start taking as a sign to get up and move a little!

4. Flexible schedules. We don't take it for granted. We know we're so incredibly lucky to have the schedules that we do. We try to make the most of it, but most days we just work our butts off to do regular life. 

Family walk at Tynehead last week. Emilia walked all the way from the big boardwalk to the car. She was a machine.

This is how my brain has been feeling. This week is a lot better than last week though. A few quiet nights in a row has been great for recharging for this introvert.

5. Solo trip to the Surrey Museum. I thought I wandered in and it was closed today. Turns out we just had the place to ourselves! We were there for about an hour and a half and Dom had so much fun. Emilia tolerated it haha. Not a lot geared towards her age, but Dom included her in a lot! Nice way to get out and enjoy the sun without being in the cold :)

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