Saturday 28 September 2019


Well it has been nearly two weeks since I've actually done a "life" post. 
Somehow Thankful Thursday snuck by two weeks in a row. 
Most of what we've been up to lately is surviving! It's been really really busy between my work, David's work (yay!), social engagements, colds, housework... you get the idea!

Alas, here is a chronological photo upate/unload of what we've been up to lately :)

I've kind of fallen off with lettering as well because all of a sudden I don't have an hour to sit down and relax and do what I want every day. I know the time will come where I can again, so I'm just being patient. I managed to create a few pieces the last few weeks.

So jealous. I work Mondays, so David gets to take the kids to Tot Romp every week. That used to be one of my favorite times of the week! Some time I'll have to switch my schedule and work a different day instead so I can go.

Playing the hammer dulcimer at Opa & Oma's

Celebrating Audrey's first birthday

Watching "Cinicks" at Gramma & Grandpa's

Escaping to the park for some energy burning!

Coloring. She's mostly good with the markers, but occasionally tries to eat them. Mostly she likes to take the lids off and try to get them back on. I love watching them work on their fine motor skills.

Another gift from work :)

Realistically this is how we spend our evenings now a lot of the time. Not very romantic! Haha. We're in the basement working "together". On the other side, the hockey game is playing on the projector.

No complaints about work when it looks like this!

I guess I'm tired. Absent mindedly started pouring my cheerios onto a plate one morning.

The kids have been loving playing outside lately. He rides his blue bike and she rides/pushes the firetruck around. They'll happily play for 20-30 minutes at least! I need to get a nice chair to sit outside instead of sitting on the pavement...

This past Thursday, David had arguably the biggest job of his career so far. An online magazine (Curbed magazine) found his website and contacted him to do a shoot for their "House Calls" edition. It is a house in West Van that is very unique and was actually designed by the owner, an architect. In the very first email they came out and said how many images they want (14-15), how long they expect him to be there (around 7 hours), how much they pay, that they'll pay $250 for an assistant, pay $75 for meals for the day, and pay mileage for his commute. Ummm... okay! He obviously doesn't have an actual assistant, so I went to help him out with lights, moving stuff around, being a second set of eyes, etc. Easy way to earn an extra couple hundred bucks.
We had help from my mom and Scott & Ashleigh (and Adam I hear) to go out of their way to watch the kids for us so we could do this. Thank you for making this day possible!!
We ordered Subway for lunch, and then hit Cactus Club on our way home to use the rest of the $75. It was nice to see each other and be professional grown ups together. It felt like a date considering how little we'd seen each other the past couple weeks. 

The actual camera photos aren't ready yet, so for now we will deal with these phone pictures I took haha. Don't judge the house based on these! I'll do an official post about this job when David is done the photos :)

You can see how modern and clean and minimalistic it is! I love the polished concrete floors. We were talking to their youngest son and he was saying how cool they are because you can scooter on them haha.

It doesn't look like much from the front, but the backyard is amazing and the interior is incredible. If you look straight on at those white chairs you can see right through the house into the forest/cliff/back yard. 

Dave climbing up to get a good shot. 

The homeowners were home and randomly decided to pour us some wine. I mean... we're on the clock, but if you insist! Haha

Their work station. I almost feel bad for posting these pictures because David's actually do this place justice. My pictures/phone camera are poop. 

Yesterday we took Sherlock to get groomed, and while he was there we went to visit Bo Bo Moma. We had some coffee, cookies and a cheese bun! Dominic was insistent on seeing the fishies in the koi pond as we left. 

Okay, I'll try be more intentional about documenting my life for the next week or two and sharing actual posts/photos. We're so busy and exhausted, but it's all been really good things. No complaints here! Just adrenaline and healthy vibes! David is sick this week, and I actually had to cancel playing bass this weekend as it would have had me out half the day on Saturday and on Sunday, and then I work Monday. He's too poopered and busy for me to be able to leave the kids with him and feel okay about it. 

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