Wednesday 30 October 2019


Well here I thought I was going to be good and pick back up with blogging. That didn't happen! Haha. This is what we've been up to the last week and a bit. I am still bad at taking pictures, but I tried!

The kids were both sick for a while, and I am now trying to get over this same illness. It's a weird one. Fever and sore throat are the only real symptoms. I forgot how gross fevers feel! So achy! I'll take this over the flu or a head cold any day though.

We had a couple friends over last Friday and reconnected after not seeing each other for many years. They moved back to town a few months ago, and we look forward to continuing to build a friendship and have them be a part of our lives!

Duck Tollers are made for Fall <3 He's so beautiful

Mr Sherlock here... he gave us a little scare this week. Saturday night he threw up his dinner. Sometimes he gets an upset tummy for a couple hours, so we didn't think much of it. When he continued to be unable to keep food down for 48 hours, we decided to call the vet. They asked us to bring him in as soon as possible. I was working, so David packed up both the kids and the dog and off they went! Sherlock had eaten a chunk (I'd say less than 1/3 cup) of Boursin cheese when we had our friends over on Friday. David mentioned this to the vet and they started talking about risks of pancreatitis and totally freaked us out. They recommended getting Sher on anti-nausea medications, doing an X-Ray to check for blockages, and doing bloodwork to rule out something more serious. In the stress of the moment (and having two kids who were showing signs of needing a nap asap), we decided to go for the whole lot. $700... $700 we don't have. Anywho. Good news is that Sherlock is all good! The meds seem to be working, there was no blockage, and his blood work came back normal! Yay! In hindsight I wish I had been able to pause and think and ask a few more questions before making a decision on our course of action, but we love our pup and were terrified something bad was going to happen!

After starving for 48+ hours, we had to skip his dinner the night after we went to the vet. How do you say no to this face?! He kept looking at us like we forgot about him all night haha.

What else... Emilia is getting good at puzzles! The kids are both super into puzzling right now, which is an awesome quiet activity until they start throwing the wooden pieces everywhere **cringing**.

You can see how red she is here. Woke up from her nap with a fever of 102 :(

Last Saturday Aunty Sonya invited me to Tynehead for a walk as she was heading that direction. I brought the kids along, and they walked lots through the trails! By the end everyone was a little hangry, but we made it, the weather was beautiful, and the kids had so much fun playing pooh sticks with Aunty Sonya haha.

We thought the salmon would be spawning, but I guess we missed them...

I love both their little heads poking through haha

Saturday was also the $1 clothing sale at church! I love second-hand things. I got Dom a nice warm GAP winter jacket for $1!!! Amazing. 

Dom's new jacket! Out for a test run

On Sunday after church there was a baby shower for the latest "batch" of new moms in the church. There were 6 of them. So many babies!!! I wish I had taken a second to actually look at this picture before putting my phone away. I hate taking selfies and always feel embarrassed, so I do it so quickly and then hide my phone like that makes a difference haha. Now I look and realize it's blurry! Boo.

David was busy in the afternoon, so I took the kids on a walk to the park. Emilia enjoyed checking out all the "Halloween guys" on the way home. Dominic, not so much. He says his favorite Halloween things are the spiders, and then very genuinely and sweetly asked me, "Mommy, what sorts of Halloween things do you like?" Why is he such a grown up!!

These houses. So tacky, but they're consistently tacky for Halloween and Christmas, so I've learned to appreciate/accept it haha!

I spent some time organizing and cleaning the kids' rooms, and actually opened their blinds for once. I forgot what a gorgeous view Dom has from his room. Emilia too, but Dom's is the best. 

Our old TV stand is in his room. It's mostly just there because we have nowhere else to put it, but it's a good play surface, and it has 3 drawers which are good for hiding things like little toys and wipes! That firehouse was given to us by a generous neighbor boy. It is played with pretty much every single day. 

Since I cleaned it, Dom wanted to play in there. He and Emilia played happily for 30 MINUTES! I folded laundry and tidied my bedroom. I came in to this, but whatever haha. Stuffed animals and books are easy to clean up! I'd do that any time for 30 minutes of them playing!

Daytime view from his window

Sunset view from his window. Seriously. These sunsets are something else!!

Monday evening we had Scott & Ashleigh over and did our pumpkin carving. I dislike carving pumpkins. A bit of a party pooper. However, I did it! I always manage to screw it up, and I did, but at least I did it! Haha. There aren't many things I'd really rather not do. Carving pumpkins and washing lettuce are two random ones though. 

Can you sense our theme? Haha. Except the middle one. Ashleigh did that one for Dom. Dom LOVES it. He always excitedly calls it "Dom's little yellow pumpkin!"

At the risk of being repetitive... I am LOVING these Fall colors this year. I don't love the colder, shorter days, but I do love the vibrant colors.

I have a black thumb. Or whatever the opposite of a green thumb is. However, that succulent is from Scott & Ashleigh's wedding almost 3 months ago and it's thriving! (Probably because I don't have to water it). This beautiful flower is from the Women's Breakfast over a month ago and check it out! I've never had a potted flower last so long haha. Either it's really resilient, or I'm just doing a good job this time. 

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