Saturday 21 September 2019

Kids Say

It's just been regular life around here lately for the most part, so time to post a Kids Say!
These go back to early summer I think; it's been a while.

D: Aww! A little birdy!
Me: Oh ya? Was it a cute birdy?
D: Ya! Birdy was kinda cute like Uncle Jeff!

Dave drank a smoothing and then headed to his office. 
D: Daddy, did you bring your drink?
Dave: Nope, I finished it!
D: Well did you put your cup in the dishwasher?

Playing outside on a windy day when a big crunchy folded leaf blows by.
D: Oh look! A little mouse!

Getting ready for the rehearsal dinner and Dom waltzes into my bathroom.
D: Oh mommy! What a cute little dress!

D: My boobs! My pink boobs are kinda tough. Too tight. Gotta tuck them in.

Playing with a puzzle and Dom points to the pig
D: This is bacon!

Sitting on the couch and Emilia randomly smacks Dom on the head.
D: Oh. Emilia is going STRAIGHT to bed!

Reading a book and a girl is holding an ice cream cone.
D: I am going to snatch her ice cream!

Packing up to go to Costco
D: Is Sherlock going to come to Costco?
Me: Nope. Sherlock is staying home.

D: I guess Sherlock will be too scared of the big green guy.
*It took us until we were at Costco and Dom freaked out to realize there is an animatronic witch. I didn't even notice it the previous time; clearly it made an impression on Dom.

At a friends house and they have a short-haired dog running around with its tail up. 
D (seeing the dog's butt): Mommy... Does Charlie got a bum?
Me: Yup. Charlie has a bum.

D: Ohhhhh.... To go poop with?

One time I asked Dom to clean up his toys so I could vacuum and he said no, so I said, "I guess I'll just suck them all up!" We then calmly cleaned up. I guess he internalized that chat... I pull out the vacuum while Emilia is reading a book on the floor.
D (calmly and matter of factly): Mommy, are you going to suck up Emilia?

Playing with my locked phone
D: Mommy, I'm going to take a picture!
Me: Okay, cool
D: I took a picture! I'll send it to you

He's supposed to be napping the day after we turn his bed back around to a big boy bed. I hear some clanging around 45 minutes after I put him to bed. I go upstairs and see him sitting on his floor.
D (sheepishly): Mommy... I'm making pancakes
Upon further investigation I see he has put the helipad from his firehouse in the shelf on the TV stand/play table in his room.
D: I'm going to take them out of the oven; they're very hot.
He reaches to take the "pancakes" out of the "oven" and I see he has a sock on his hand as an oven mitt. At this point stern Mom is gone and I burst into hysterical laughter. 

Dave: Hey Dom, why did the chicken cross the road?
D: Hmmmm.... oh i know! ummm..... oh! Cuz I kinda bonked it!
*He now tells this all in joke format*

Jumping on the couch and wants my attention
D: Hey! Watch this babe!

Dom being grumpy before lunch time
Me: Dom, are you hungry?
D: No. I'm HANGRY!

Sees a truck with some covered stuff on the trailer
D: What's in there? 
Me: I don't know, what do you think?
D: Maybe wagons

Me: Alright, let's go D-Money
D: Mommy, don't say D-Money. Just Dominic
I've been told!

Every time we're in the car it's NON STOP questions (see quote two before this). 
D: What's that car? Is it black? Where's it going? Is it going to work? Is it loud? Is it fast? Did it turn left? Are we turning left? Are we turning right? Is the light red? Is it green? Does yellow mean slow? SLOW DOWN MOMMY! Be Careful! What's that person doing? Where are they going? What's their name? Are we going to the grocery store? Are we going to Costco? Will the big green guy be there? What's that guy doing? Is that yellow digger digging? Is it taking a break? What are you eating? What's this song? 
(You get the idea)

Cute consistent word mistakes:
Aminals (animals)
Cofulur (colorful)
Ephalent (elephant)
Kanina (Katrina)
Tephelone (telephone)
Cinecks (Canucks)

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