Thursday 5 September 2019

Thankful Thursday - 196 (What was my best mistake?)

Feeling thankful this week is pretty easy! I'm thankful for...

1. My new job opportunity. I posted about it yesterday, but man does it seem perfect! I hope I'm not romanticizing it too much. Only major downside is that I'll have to miss tot romp! That's very sad, but maybe they'll schedule it on different days every so often. 

If you read my blog yesterday, you know they asked me the question, "What was your best mistake?" Well... here is what I sent in as my answer, copied and pasted out of my email:

The one that stands out for me was my "mistake" to drop out of SFU. I was second year in sciences, had a 3.5 GPA, had some good friends in my classes, but I was feeling the call to take a step back and reevaluate where I was headed. There were many times leading up to my last day of school, and the following fall season where I didn't return, that I wondered if I was making a mistake. My parents and David were supportive of my decision, but many others offered their unsolicited opinion that I would regret my decision and be unable to support my family I so desperately looked forward to having.

Leaving SFU allowed me to reflect on my self, my aptitudes, and see where God was calling me. I knew then that my skills lay more in the administrative/accounting area than in research or teaching. It opened the door to my position at Fraser Health, to getting married to my high-school sweetheart at a young age, to starting up David's business, to buying our first home (just before the housing market exploded), and to starting our wonderful family. If I had pursued my degree and a career in sciences or further education, I'm not sure these things would have happened, at least not in the timeline it did. 

I wasn't made to be a "career woman" at this point in my life. I wouldn't have the life I do now if I had continued at SFU. I wouldn't be as involved in church and small groups, I wouldn't have the incredible network of friends I have today keeping me accountable in my faith, and I can't imagine feeling happier or more fulfilled than I am being able to be home with my kids the majority of the time. We have been so incredibly blessed, and we do not take it for granted.

2. Family time. We have a lot of time as a family. Usually it's just every day life, but every so often I try to slow down and enjoy the little moments. 

Waiting for Dom to wake up from his nap. How special is it that this is just a random Thursday?

3. Chickalettas. My group of mom friends got together today, and next week we're going to the zoo. My new job won't interfere with my social life most of the time which is another added bonus! 

These three <3. Sam and Henry were teaching Dom how to pick blackberries. I caught Henry feeding one to Dom to introduce him slowly haha. 

4. Children playing. I remember being a kid and pulling the couch cushions of the couch and playing under them, or building forts. I'm not huge on the kids doing this to my couch/living room, but I try to be flexible haha. Dom was reading her his trucks book. "Hey Emilia, which one is your favorite? My favorite is the big blue digger. How do you get into this tall tractor?" So darn cute. 

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! So very happy for you and this amazing opportunity!!
