Thursday 12 September 2019

Thankful Thursday - 197

Well I'm officially peopled out! I had a great first week at work, but I'm toast now. It's especially hard when I'm being trained, because I'm talking, learning AND thinking all day! 

This week I am thankful for...

1. The rain. I don't love the fact that I feel trapped inside and get cabin fever, but I DO love the coziness of Fall! Bring on the scarves and boots! <3

I haven't done any lettering in nearly a week. Apparently things got busy! I hope to sit down and do some tonight!

2. Morning at the zoo. I love having a zoo pass. This morning we went out with the Chickalettas to the zoo. We got there at 9 and left at 1130. Great thing about a zoo pass is that A. It's free (including parking) and B. I don't feel bad for only going for two and a half hours!

Henry helped Dom build a happy face at the playground while we waited for our other friends.

Advantages of being some of the first people at the zoo: the big cats aren't sick of people yet!

Two attempts at a group picture. This one looks great, except it's missing Dom, Mikaela & James. Below is my attempt to get Dom in the picture hahaha. 

You can see my defeat, Emilia staring at her brother, and Dom laying flat on the ground throwing a tantrum. 

This is the first time we've gone that Emilia really interacted. She climbed out of the stroller a few times and made animal sounds when she could!

3. New job. I had my first week and it's been great so far. I feel like I'm grasping the big ideas and databases pretty quickly, and have received a lot of encouragement and support! David was a champ with the kids and was able to schedule his shoots around me. Another bonus... On day 1 there was a bottle of wine waiting for me. On day 2 I was taken out for delicious sushi!

4. David - Super Dad! As stated above he was so great with the kids this week. This is no surprise, it's not like he's not involved in our every day life. The surprise to me is how he has not complained once that he is all of a sudden on solo-dad duty more often. He is even taking the kids this weekend so that I can go away with my family to Williams Lake. He's been so supportive and chill through all these huge changes!
*No pictures of super-dad apparently, so here are some recent one of other things haha!

At the church BBQ

PONYTAIL! Suddenly she looks so old 

At the Fleetwood Festival

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