Thursday 24 January 2019

Thankful Thursday - 166

Loving Thankful Thursday for holding me accountable during this challenging season; reminding myself how good we have it and how blessed we are!

1. Antibiotics. This week has been a doozy. Dom was really sick over the weekend, and I decided to take him into the doctor on Monday morning. I'm glad I did. He had an ear infection and his chest sounded really congested and he was having difficulty breathing properly. Not enough to go the hospital, but enough to be sent for a chest x-ray. Somehow I didn't realize that a chest x-ray would be traumatic. I've never had an x-ray myself, and just assumed he'd have to lay on a table and be very still. Wrong! They strapped him into this weird apparatus and I had to hold his arms up while he tried to break out and screamed with absolute terror. Poor guy. He recovered quickly once it was over. Anyway, the x-ray came back negative for pneumonia, and he was put on antibiotics for his ear infection. By the next day his energy was back and I could tell he was feeling so much better. He is still coughing a lot, and we went back to the doctor yesterday for a follow-up. Just have to keep an eye on him and take him back if he's not 100% better next Wednesday. 

We weren't counting on getting an x-ray, so his shirt wasn't conducive and he had to change into this ADORABLE gown.

Two straight days of this. Also so grateful David was able to be home with Emilia this week so I could give Dom my full attention at the doctor's office.

Saturday and Sunday were movie days. This cute little girl is now sick like Dom was over the weekend, but chest colds seem to hit him worse for some reason!

Also PJ days

2. Catching the free photo-book deal! I'm so glad I started my 2018 photo-book last year. When I noticed I only had 1 day before the free photo-book deal was going to expire, I had already completed half the book! I spent one more evening on it and ordered it. Hopefully there aren't any embarrassing typos! 

3. At least it's not the stomach flu. As much as I like to complain about all the snot and sneezing and drooling and coughing in this house right now, I am so grateful it's not the stomach flu. I am lucky enough to have not dealt with that yet at all with the kids. Sounds awful!  Also, they are both still sleeping through the night/not needing me throughout the night, so we're all relatively well rested. 

4. A weekend away to look forward to! David and I booked two nights away in March and I cannot wait! 

Can't wait for this! It will be winter, but still!

Not many pictures from the week, but here are a couple videos of Dom!  

Singing and playing his guitar <3


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