Sunday 20 January 2019


What have we been up to lately? Pretty much just trucking along. Today is filled with Paw Patrol, Wiggles, Cars and Planes. Dominic is sick as a dog. AGAIN. Emilia appears to be getting it as well. Boo. 

Fever, cough and chest congestion, plugged/runny nose. Two whiny kids, a very busy dad who's out a lot lately, and one exhausted mom! 

Here is Dom looking EXACTLY like his Grandpa. 

Yesterday evening my parents came over and watched the kids after we put Emilia down for bed. We had a date with David's family and their friends for dinner at Newlands. It is Shelley's birthday today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAMMA!) and she invited everyone out to dinner and dancing. I didn't dance, but that's not unusual for me haha. I always say I don't express myself that way. I'm just a majorly awkward, uncoordinated clutz, so dancing isn't my thing unless I'm severely inebriated. That being said, we had a blast! So nice to get out. It's been quite a long time for us, so we treated it as date night. 

Not having to be responsible for my own kids meant I could actually spend some time with and enjoy the company of my niece, Rebecca! We played with filters on my phone!

Poor Shelley kept having shots show up in front of her. She had two B52 shots come up (Grand Marnier, Baileys and Kahlua). She doesn't like Grand Marnier, which was the top layer. I offered to "take one for the team" and was her designated Grand Marnier drinker. Anytime... any. time!

Other than that... what's been going on... Dom is speaking longer sentences now and rapidly learning the alphabet, Emilia can go from laying down to sitting up no problem and is surfing all the furniture. David's work is not as busy as it typically would be this time of year, but the jobs he has been getting are more lucrative at least! I'm trying not to stress too much about it, but I was actually at the doctor this week talking about my anxiety being through the roof lately. I had a bit of a burn out. I am/was sick of all the constant responsibility. All I do all day is think about other people and pick up after other people and feed other people. I know the other moms reading know what I'm talking about! Then add two sick kids, financial stress, the unknown of the next few months regarding my maternity leave ending, never getting to see my husband, and having a dog stare me down at the end of the day when I'm toast. Add all that up, and you get one burnt out Renee!

I had a little meltdown, and am going to now try 300mg of Wellbutrin daily instead of the 150mg I was on. If it helps a lot, then once things settle down I may try go back to the 150mg, but there's no side effect of going up. 

Well that turned into a rant I wasn't counting on. 

He's getting really good at his alphabet puzzle, and has started recognizing letters in books or signs and stuff.

Woke up one morning and looked at the monitor and there she was, sitting up. Oh! I guess you figured that out overnight, eh?!

This chocolate, pretzel, caramel deliciousness left over from Kerriann at small groups was literally my lunch one day. It has just been that kind of week; needed me some chocolate!

Here's hoping this next week is better, the kids get well soon and I don't get sick! 

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