Thursday 10 January 2019

Thankful Thursday - 164

I feel like there hasn't been much to blog about lately. At least the Thankful Thursdays keep me accountable!

1. Emilia's heart is healthy! We had to go to SMH to see some pediatric cardiology team to check up on her heart murmur. She is healthy, her heart is healthy, and she did great in her appointment! 

2. Siblings. I am so grateful I grew up with siblings, and I'm very happy to give my kids that gift as well. I'm really looking forward to when they're a little older and can play together a bit more. However, maybe it's nice now that Emilia doesn't care when Dom snatches all the toys. Every time.

Emilia had a blowout poop in the car seat (thankfully didn't make it all the way through her clothes) on our way home from our parents' place last week. It was supposed to be straight to bed for her, but she hopped in for a quick bath with Dom before hand. It was their first bath together and they both had a blast. Except she kept falling over because she wasn't used to the water being moved around that much.

Dom reading the "Mommy Mommy Owl" book to Emilia

3. Independent Play. Between the two of them, I don't get a whole lot of time to do my own thing. I try to reward and reinforce independent play. They're best at it if I go upstairs or something, but occasionally if only one of them is awake they get into a zone. 

She loves to play with his cars, but this is only allowed by him when he's not there!

4. Sunny Winter Days. I appreciate the sun more in the winter. It's a lovely surprise to wake up to! This was the day that we had lots of wind overnight and our power went out. Again. Why haven't they figured this out yet?! Every time there's a slight shift in the wind our power goes out. (Slight exaggeration, but if anyone's power is going to go out, it's ours). 

5. One-on-One with Dom. Thanks to David's work being a little bit slower/more flexible right now and Emilia and Dom having opposite nap schedules, it gives me much more one on one time with Dominic. I was able today to go out to Storytime with him, and on Tuesday I went to Noah's Ark. It would be near impossible for me to do this with both kids because Dom takes a very long time to warm up and it really needs to be one-on-one with us.

Thanks to Amy for sending me these first two "proof of mom" photos! Dom doesn't look like he had fun, but we squeezed a few smiles and giggles out of him.

The whole way home he was talking about how we made the cotton balls jump. Adorable.

How is his hair so white?!

Playing with ice, droppers and little penguin toys. Why won't he play with buckets like this at home?

6. Tidying Up. How many people have been watching this on Netflix? Me! Me! Kerriann said to me yesterday that right now is probably the best time ever to go to thrift stores and do some shopping. If my experience is any indication that is probably true. I went through my clothes yesterday and did some purging, folding and organizing. Ah. Feels SO good. One of my New Years resolutions was to get the house more organized one step at a time. I didn't take any before pictures, but my drawers wouldn't close and the closet had stuff EVERYWHERE and spilling off the shelves onto the floors... gross.

Ugly green stickies to label and keep myself accountable for the first while. Clearly I haven't cleared off the top of my dresser yet.

T-shirts. It's amazing what a difference properly folding your clothes makes.

Long sleeves

A whole drawer dedicated to sweetlegs... and this isn't even all of them. I have a problem.

One day I'll be able to get rid of the pregnancy pillows and boxes of maternity/nursing clothes too!

7. Twinsies. These two... Dom & Emilia at 8 months. They're not related at ALL! (sense the sarcasm)

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