Thursday 31 May 2018

Thankful Thursday - 134

This week I'm thankful for...

1. Help. I am now on my own during the day much of the time as David has been working much more. Things are going great, but I am so grateful for help when I need it. Either David will come up to help out, or our parents will come by. We've also been blessed with meals a lot, easing my stress significantly! 

Mom and I took the kids and Sherlock to the park the other day. Dom really enjoyed running around the grass, and very briefly playing on the playground.

Just one of the meals we've been blessed with. Our first meal train meal through church... filet mignon! That's not something we'd ever buy ourselves. BONUS!

2. Patience. I have been blessed with an extra burst of patience I think. I am a person who needs a lot of personal space, but that is something I do not get much of (at all) lately. I am lucky to have a relatively happy newborn and toddler, making the patience come more easily when it does hit the fan. 

This is how I spend much of my day. A baby attached to me, and a toddler playing as close to me as physically possible (aka often on me...)

Happy chunky baby! Speaking of chunky baby, we had a midwife appointment today and she is already up to 8lb 15oz! She is 3 weeks old and as born at 7lb 6oz. She's gaining almost twice as much as the midwives "want" to see, so that's awesome!!

Sleepy love

Dom rushing to the rescue when she started fussing.

3. Newborn Photos. We didn't hire someone to do newborn photos this time around for a few reasons. One, we chose to save the money we would have spent on photos. Two, David told me he would like to give it a go. OKAY! We had a good time taking some pictures the other day, and I'm really happy with how they turned out :) Here's a sneak peek!

I can't get over how much hair she has! Also, that shoulder dimple is so cute <3

It's so much harder to pose a newborn than they make it look.

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