Monday 7 May 2018

39 Weeks (CAT/SMALL PUMPKIN) - 2.0: May 1-7

I never posted my 39 week post with Dominic because I went into labor at 39+1 and we lost the photos. I did, however, start the blog, and here is what I had written: 
  • Mommy is ready for this baby to come out!! I know I wanted a January baby, but... Yeesh! This belly is something special. 
  • I still feel like baby is on the larger side of normal. He is taking up all the space! 
Haha! I am sharing very similar sentiments this week!
  • My back/hips/legs/uterus/ribs/everything are quite sore, quite consistently. I am wearing my SI belt more, but also doing more activity (walking, vacuuming, crawling around with Dom, etc.) to try to get this baby going!
  • Hormones have been pretty rampant this week, with lots of crying... or some every day pretty much. My parents put Shadow to sleep the day I turned 39 weeks, so that didn't help. I called David upstairs to take the photos in the middle of the day because I could feel a meltdown coming on and I didn't want puffy cry-face photos. Still got it a little bit, but I saved the main cry for afterwards. The rest of the days the cry is just a, "I'm so tired. I want this over with!" kind of thing. haha... usual pregnancy stuff!
  • I can tell my body is gearing up for labor. I get more contractions throughout the day, and other signs of impending labor as well like... more frequent trips to the bathroom, "lightening", bursts of nesting energy, etc. All normal and good.
  • This baby is so stubborn! I want her to be head down with her back/butt on my left side, and I do all sorts of exercises to get her there, but she seems to prefer to be sunny-side up or on my right side. Hopefully she'll turn during labor. Most of the time babies do. 
  • I've starting thinking about where I go, and where David goes in relation to home. Dave is still working right up until I go into labor, so it's a little scary when he's going to be in Abbotsford or Chilliwack all day. Not that I plan on having a 30 minute labor, you just never know. Especially when it's your second!
  • Another midwife appointment this week on Thursday. 
    • Weight: 146lb. (+26.5lb from start; +1lb from last week). I am a full 10lb less than with Dom at this point. I haven't really started with the swelling too much yet, so I'll attribute it to that and chasing Dom around all day. 
    • BP: 104/72
    • Fundus: 38cm
    • Baby HR: 145-150. Baby has dropped way down into my pelvis. The doppler had to be way down in order to even get a heart rate reading. 
    • I was talking before my appointment about possibly getting a sweep done (39W2D), but I then decided not to ask. Well... Nargess offered/suggested I do one. Erp! She said I'm 2cm dilated and down to 0.5cm in cervical length. Good signs. Baby is right there, and she was able to do a super aggressive sweep. According to her, most women wouldn't have let her do that and would have asked her to stop because it hurts so much, so I must be a rockstar. I don't think so... It definitely hurt...quite a lot. I thought I was going to pass out at one point, but I guess I'm not a very vocal person in pain. 
    • After the sweep she was super optimistic I'd have the baby that night or the next day. Got me all excited! She said for sure by the weekend! Well... here we are...
  • Since my midwife appointment on Thursday, I'd been having on and off pre-labor (false labor). I feel like it's even harder to wait so long when labor is constantly teasing you. You're in pain/discomfort, cramping, contracting, yet nothing is happening. 
    • Contractions go from every 10 minutes for a couple hours, to every hour, to not at all. I am SO grateful this is my second pregnancy, so I don't think every contraction is imminent labor. If this was my first, I'd be timing all of these contractions and stressing about being ready. I'm much more relaxed about it, but very very ready. I am no longer nervous about labor the way I was a few weeks ago. Now I get a pretty good contraction (like a really bad period pain, but like a 4/10 on the labor scale), and instead of freaking out I'm like, "YEA! BRING IT ON!!!!" haha 
  • I know I mentioned it above too, but there are a lot of questions about baby's positioning. We know she is head-down, but she is all over the place the other ways I feel like. I'm doing everything I can think of to get her into proper position. Since she moves around so much though, she'll probably move to the right spot during labor (hopefully...). As the days go on and the baby gets bigger this makes me more and more nervous. You can deliver a big baby "no problem" if they're in the right position, but even a small baby in the wrong position can cause all sorts of issues! Hoping nature takes its course and does its job!
  • We are trying lots of things to get labor going. Long walks, raspberry leaf tea, accupressure, I'm booking acupuncture, sex, I have another sweep coming up, lots of stairs, squats, bouncing on the yoga ball, bla bla bla... I guess baby is really just super snug in there. 
  • I try very hard not to complain. At least I'm healthy. Baby appears healthy. I'm in relatively little discomfort compared to some moms. 
  • I am incredibly blessed to still be sleeping pretty well. I think 9 month pregnant Renee probably sleeps as well as most people on an average night. I am up a couple times to pee, but can usually go back to bed and fall asleep easily unless I'm having contractions. 
  • 39 Week Huggies Graphic
Pregnant lady

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