Thursday 24 May 2018

Thankful Thursday - 133

How did I get so lucky to have such beautiful babes? Or... silly in Dom's case.

This week I have so many things to be thankful for.

1. Sibling bonding. Dominic is so caring with his little sister. He's started wanting to be close to her, and if I'm feeding will just crawl up beside us and sit and stare at her, or touch her toes. If she's sleeping he will try to rock the swing/chair she's in, or will just squat beside her and stare. Sherlock is also becoming rather fond of the new addition. 

I asked him to give his baby a kiss

2. The sweetness. It might sound bad to say this, but I can admit that I am in love with our baby girl so much quicker than I was with Dom. She is (so far) a super easy baby. She went 24 hours with a total of maybe 10 minutes of crying. She fusses if she's gassy or tired, but other than that she's content to look around, eat, and sleep. She's such a blessing to us. Let's hope this relaxed baby sticks around!


3. Visits. It's so nice for me to have some adult interaction, so I really appreciate having visitors and/or getting out of the house every so often. I'm starting to feel a little stir crazy. I try to get out at least for a walk or something every day to enjoy this gorgeous Spring we've been having. 



Uncle Jeff playing board games with Dom

Omama and two of her great grandchildren

4. Emilia has surpassed her birth weight! Emilia is 2 weeks old and has far surpassed her birth weight. She gained an average of 52g per day this last week, and the midwives wanted to see 30g per day. Nargess said I was doing a great job with Em, and the reason she's so easy going is because there's not much to complain about when you're so well fed! This is a big deal to me. The first 2-3 weeks with Dom were so stressful because he wasn't gaining weight and I felt like such a failure (although I now realize I may have been overreacting...). Em weighed in today at 8lb 1.5oz before her feed. She would have been probably closer to 8lb 4oz afterwards. Woo hoo!

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