Sunday 27 May 2018

Dominic - 17 Months Old

Dominic is now 17 months old. All of a sudden he feels like a little boy to us instead of our baby. He is a very kind-hearted, helpful boy, who has definitely taken a liking to his little sister. 

I'm sure there are so many more things I should be noting, and many other developmental milestones he's hit, but... you know. We've been a little busy/distracted the last few weeks!

Weight: 32lb (100+ percentile)
Height: 32.5 inches (65th percentile)

  • Singing songs with actions (Tiny Turtle, Happy and You Know it, etc.)
  • Buckles. He has finally figured out how to do them up, so he plays at his high chair, the baby's swing and car seat, and his own car seat. I'm in no rush for him to learn how to undo the buckles, but I don't mind him doing them up!
  • His little sister. He lights up when he sees her, and points to her, and says "Ya ya" which is how he says Emilia. He loves to help me burp her, and point to her ears, hands, toes, etc. If she's crying he rushes over to rock her, give her a blanket, tickle her toes, or anything else he can think of to comfort her. 

  • Being told "no", or having something taken away from him that he shouldn't be playing with. That's a surefire way to have a toddler tantrum meltdown. 

  • New words: Turtle, Night Night, Help (it's this growly sort of helphelp sound), All done, HIIIIIIIIII, Please, thank you, Emilia (Ya Ya), cheese
  • He has his own language of jibberish now, and it often sounds like something out of Lord of the Rings. Lots of hard consonants like an orc language. 
  • When he plays with his lego, he used to make big sporadic towers. He now likes to keep things flatter, so he will go layer by layer, strategically picking pieces that fit the spots perfectly. 
  • Eats his food with a fork very successfully 
  • He has 12 teeth now, and his canines should be in soon I think. 
  • He wears 2T and 3T clothing, depending on the brand. 
  • He suddenly started blowing kisses when we say goodnight or bye to him. It's super sweet. 
  • If we ask for a "snuggle", he will lay his head on our shoulder and pat our shoulders or back. he must have seen us burping Emilia enough times to decide it looked cozy. 
  • Just today he started really kissing us. He has always enjoyed when we kiss each other, so today he grabbed David's face and planted a few nice kisses on him and then did the same to me. What a ham!

A typical day:
700 - wake up
715 - breakfast (oatmeal & banana)
930 - occasionally a small snack
1100 - lunch time
1155 - 10 minutes of Paw Patrol
1215 - nap time
245 - up from nap
3/330 - snack if needed
500 - dinner time
630 - bath (on bath day), jammies, and some wind-down play time. 
7/715 - head upstairs for bed!

I really wanted a picture of Dom holding Emilia, but he's not quite ready yet apparently. He was happy to peer from the side though, haha.

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