Thursday 25 May 2017

Thankful Thursday - 89

The gorgeous weather makes it easy to feel thankful this week!
1. Aforementioned gorgeous weather! We get outside a few times a day now. Whether it be to sit in the yard or on the patio, or go for a walk, we are out enjoying the warmth lots! The sunshine also helps with my mental health more than I ever thought. I have had a complete shift in my ability to get through my day. 

Sherlock is back to his rolling routine.

Great weather for naked patio time!

Dom tried out the swing for the first time! Despite his face, he really did enjoy it. 

2. Organization. I'm not overly anal about things being perfectly organized. I LOVE it when they are, but I don't spend hours every day making sure everything is "just so". That being said, I've been wanting to make chore chart for years (literally since before we were married... right around the time Pinterest got big I guess). I finally bit the bullet and did it! Pretty happy with it so far, and it makes me feel so accomplished putting the "X" on every chore each day! Hoping it will hold us accountable for doing the crappy chores like cleaning the showers, bathrooms, fridge, etc. 

Tease me all you like! **Showers means clean the showers... not take a shower!**

3. Sleep Training. I feel like I do this one every week. I am just so eternally grateful we did this, and I'm glad we didn't wait! Dom is clearly ready to sleep through the night. He is down by 7 every night, and I do a dream feed at 10pm, and then he sleeps till 6-7! I looked at my fitbit app to see how my sleeping patterns have changed since before, and it's cool to see the proof that I am getting much longer stretches of sleep! 

Before sleep training... Short stints of sleep.

After sleep training! Regular person sleep! (This is from a week ago, so ti's even better now!)

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