Saturday 20 May 2017

Life as of Late

I missed Thankful Thursday this week. I had every intention of writing one, but life got in the way.

This past week since David's appendectomy has been... exhausting and challenging for me.

All of a sudden I had to do everything. David couldn't even hold the baby for more than a couple minutes. I was juggling taking care of baby and all that entails, taking care of husband, cleaning up after baby/myself/David, cooking for us, cleaning the house, walking the dog, getting the groceries... Exhausted. 

I feel silly even "complaining" because there are so many people out there who do this every day. Single moms, moms with more than one child, etc. But... fact of the matter is it was a new reality for me. 

I felt defeated as my efforts weren't enough to keep things up to my (slightly unrealistic) expectations. The bad weather didn't help, and I really struggled for a few days to even get out of bed. 

Today things are sunny, David is feeling a little bit better, and I'm trying to be more positive!

Anywho, this is what we got up to this week...

The boys made Fish Tacos for Mother's Day Dinner at my parents house. Delish!

For dessert.... homemade churros!!

David wasn't really up for celebrating Mother's Day (spoiling me), but he did arrange for this beautiful flower basket to be brought for me! At least these flowers will hopefully last longer than cut ones do! So far so good!

Since we missed out on Mother's Day brunch with David's mom, we invited them over for dinner on Monday. Dominic was loving all Dad's faces and noises at dinner <3

We had some nice relaxing time watching Grey's Anatomy one day.

Modeling the adorable shirt straight from Holland! I wish we had the Hema store here!

Need to kill time before bedtime? How about a bath!

He sat up on his own for like 20 seconds before falling over sideways!

Wanted to get out for a walk between naps yesterday. This hat is way too big, but also so cute. He looks like such a little boy!

I rediscovered snapchat and played with the puppy filter on Dom. He makes a pretty cute puppy!

These two I tell you. These photos are 100% NOT staged at all. I was trying to just take pictures of Dominic, but Sherlock always has to be right in there!

I am realizing today that in a week my baby will be 5 months old already :O That makes me sad! :(

Out for a walk at Noel Booth Park to let Sherlock swim! Dominic thought it was pretty funny the way Sherlock splashed and whined/barked. 

Hopefully the next couple weeks get better! On the plus side, Dom has slept through the night (until 6am) three nights straight! I still do a dream feed at 10pm, and then I usually don't hear a peep until 545 or 6ish.

And I leave you with Dominic giggles! :)

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