Wednesday 5 April 2017

An Average Day

It feels like things have been hectic lately, but really I've been cutting back on plans.

I am trying to be home during the day a little more, as I find Dom gets over-stimulated, doesn't nap as well, and seems more fussy if we have lots of plans every day. 

He's been better in the car seat and ergo, so I still try to get out for a walk every day, but we're working on him taking his naps in his crib only for a little while. (A soft start approach to sleep training, which is going pretty well so far...). 

This means I don't get to have as much adult interaction, and my days seem kind of boring, but it's kind of nice to answer to no one but myself and Dom!

A typical day looks like...

Somewhere between 630 and 8am Dom tends to be up for the day. I'll get up with him, turn on the lights and have his first feed of the day. This is followed by a diaper change (unless it's really urgent!) and some play time! Play time is usually him sitting on my lap chatting with me and making faces, playing in his exersaucer (which doesn't last long yet), sitting in his swing with some toys, or playing on his play mat. 

Roughly an hour and a half after he wakes up for the day, he's ready for his first nap. A nap lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Pretty unpredictable lately! I put him down in his crib awake, and he cries for less than 5 minutes and falls asleep. The key is catching him early!

When he wakes up, and I'm convinced he won't doze back off to finish his nap, I pick him up and start the routine again! Wake, eat, play, repeat. 

That is my day. 2-3 hour cycles of Eat, Activity, Sleep, You time (EASY). 

The last couple days, Dom has been ready for sleep sleep by 7pm or so. One time I put him down for a "cat-nap" at 7pm, and he slept right to 1130! That was my first clue he was ready for earlier bed-times! 

It's been nice for David and I to have some alone time in the evenings to wind down, chat, and have a glass of wine (or two :)). 

Instead of following a strict nap schedule, I'm trying my best to follow Dom's cues! He likes to throw a wrench in things though. For example... we're pretty sure he's started teething. The last couple weeks he has suddenly started drooling like a faucet. His cheeks are red, he is chewing his own gums, chewing his lips, chewing his soother, chewing his bib, chewing our fingers, chewing his fists... so much chewing! He's also a little fussy, and generally takes shorter naps, and wakes more at night. Teething doesn't mean teeth though, it can be months before he pops his first one... Just the beginning!! I'm not ready for this! I haven't even thought about teething yet! He's still a baby!!!

Anyway, during my downtime during the day I usually try to get one "chore" done (laundry, dishes, vacuum, dust, etc.), and take some time for me (blog, watch a show, have some tea and a cookie, nap, play with Sherlock, etc.). I figure this is the only time I'll have this luxury. Once we (eventually) have more kidlets I won't necessarily have this me time as much!

It's been hard to think of things to blog about when this is literally my life, pretty much every day. 

Not that I'm complaining. Who WOULDN'T want to hang out with this chap all day every day?

Finally some pictures of me with Dom!

He is just way too cheeky <3

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