Tuesday 4 October 2016

26 WEEKS (SCALLION): Sep 5-Oct 1

Here we go! Running out of space!! 

  • Each week I become increasingly skeptical about these fruit and veggie comparisons for my baby. Maybe it's time to make up my own comparisons. Baby is 14 inches long this week. Any suggestions? As long as a legal-sized piece of paper. There!
  • Baby weighs in at almost 2 lb. this week. Hold a 1L bottle of pop... that's our baby!
  • They say baby opens his eyes this week, however... I feel like they mention that "milestone" every 4-6 weeks or so... So who knows when it actually happens! I suppose the internet isn't always right... However, I can tell you that baby can definitely see light! If he's going all crazy in there and then I lift up my shirt to see he stops as if to say, "wait... something changed..." Also, I shined a flashlight on my belly for fun and he totally reacted. It's kind of cool to feel like there's this "bond" or "play" happening between us already... 
  • Supposedly baby's testicles are descending into his scrotum this week... This will take 2-3 months apparently. Who knew!
  • My belly-button shows through shirts now if I wear something relatively thin and fitted. I'm rockin' it. No shame! It's the one thing that sort of weirds David out, but he'll get over it... Lots of time to find weirder things hun! 
  • 3 more months to go! At the end of 26 weeks (October 1) I hit 6 months and I enter into the THIRD TRIMESTER! Things are going to keep getting more uncomfortable from this point on, so I'm glad I had an easy second tri!
  • Baby kicks my ribs if I sit with bad posture at work... Keeping me in check. I can get him to move down sometimes by sitting/bouncing on the exercise ball, but then he's on my bladder... I have to choose between uncomfortable bumps to the ribs and perpetual peeing... 
  • I am waking up at night much more than I used to. A variety of reasons... Have to pee, my back is sore, my baby is uncomfortable, I end up on my back instead of my side... I usually fall asleep pretty quick again at this point though. Hope that lasts! Champion sleeper over here!
  • My total blood volume has increased by 25% from pre-pregnancy. This increase will continue until about 35 weeks apparently... Huh!
  • Sitting at work one day and I am feeling baby... that's normal. Then I notice it's pretty consistent. In the same spot... just a little bump every 2-4 seconds... What? OH!! BABY HAS THE HICCUPS!!! I have been waiting for this moment. I don't know why. For some reason it makes the baby seem more human, and less like an alien invading my insides. How cute is that? My heart melted. 
  • I am definitely getting cravings... They're not weird, but they are INTENSE! I will get my mind set on something (usually not great for me) and then I will be miserable until I get it. I will be triggered like an addict if I see it... It is super bizarre! This week it was chocolate. I NEEDED chocolate... Finally, after days of meltdowns, mom and dad took me to Costco. I grabbed everything chocolate in sight. I had to be convinced to put it down, "What do you mean I don't need 12 giant chocolate muffins for myself?" Finally, as we were in line, I went and bought a chocolate cone from the concession stand. Let me tell you... BEST CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM CONE OF MY LIFE! I immediately felt better. I immediately was satisfied, and no longer needed anything sweet once I was done. I have never had anything like this before! So bizarre!
My face as I devour my ice cream cone. Not even upset that I was spending $200 at Costco when I went in planning to buy nothing... (Classic vortex of Costco)

French Toast Friday was planned before I got my chocolate treat, when I was still craving sweets. That's okay... still DELICIOUS!

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