Thursday 27 October 2016

Thankful Thursday - 62

I wasn't feeling well last Thursday and was home from work. I completely missed Thankful Thursday! Funny how some disruption in your routine really mixes up the whole day. 

Wordy this week... sorry!  
This week I am thankful for... 

1. Sherly. This past Sunday it was two years since we brought home our precious puppy Sherlock. He has been the most wonderful, needed companion and furry addition to our family. On one hand, I can't believe it's already been two years... on another hand, I feel like he's been with us forever! Can't imagine our day-to-day without him. 

It just doesn't get a whole lot more handsome.

My favorite view when I'm sitting at my craft table and turn around to check on him.

2. Agility Trial. We sort of last-minute registered for an agility trial this past weekend. I wanted to try squeeze one more in before I take a break for a while to have a baby and all that stuff! We are registering for 6 more weeks of classes, and then at the end of November we will be done. Running this trial last Saturday was bitter-sweet. 
It's always great to get out there, but it didn't go as well as I was secretly hoping. I kept telling myself not to expect much from Sherlock or myself. To be honest I haven't been working with him as much as I normally do lately. Lack of energy and all... It's hard to get him pumped up! Well... that lack of extra work translated! He was bonkers all weekend. Kept running away and visiting people in (and around) the ring while I tried to run. We had our great moments too, and I do my best to focus on those. 
It just seemed like a sad way to end our agility career for a while (I know.... I have to focus on the positives. These pregnancy hormones sometimes interfere!). There is another trial coming up November 19 I could register for, but i will be 7.5 months pregnant... so we will see how I'm feeling a little closer to the date. 
Starters Gamblers. He was with me until the end. We got enough points in our opening, but then he goofed out for the final gamble. Nuts! (In my opinion, best run of the day)
Starters Standard. Sherlock was with me from 1-6 pretty well... Then he kept running to the exit gate and pushing his nose through the fence. I tried tirelessly to get him back, but he kept pursuing the gate. Turns out he had to pooh... My bad Sherlock!

Starters Snooker. Sherlock's head was 100% distracted in this one. Right from the get-go he went to visit the scribe/timer. We get 60 seconds to complete the course and are whistled off for any errors at all. We didn't get whistled off, and were out there for the whole 60 seconds so that's a major positive! Negative?... We only completed our opening sequence! Haha... stinker.

Starters Jumpers. This is normally one of my favorite things! There were some distractions around the rings (one of his favorite dogs was by the fence), so it took us a minute to get going. Once I got his attention a little we flew through numbers 1-5. After that it was time to visit again... Bring him back and attempt 7, 8, 9... WAIT! Must visit my friend!!! I wanted to end on a positive note before our time ran out, so I got his attention back and we ran over and did 12, 13, 14 and then leashed up and got out of there! I have to remind myself he's just a dog... he had fun... we're new to agility... any experience is a good learning experience. I hope I'm feeling well enough to register for the next trial as well. There is lots I want to work on between now and then!

**Agility Update: We had class on Wednesday night and I barely recognized Sherlock. He was absolutely perfect. He was fast, focused, and INTO IT! I could not have asked for anything more. It was so so encouraging after our rough weekend at the trial.**

3. Savoury Saturday. After the trial on Saturday we had Scott & Courtney over and we made homemade pizzas. Scott had the dough, and we baked them on the BBQ on a pizza stone. Yum Yum!!! 

Scott & I all aproned up. (Wine improves with age; I improve with wine) and (May the Forks be with you) - this is fitting as we watched Star Wars IV that night too.

Mise en Place - on my giant cutting board David got me for Christmas last year :)

Perogie Pizza - Sour Cream Base, Mozarella, Sliced Potatoes, Bacon, Green Onions, Cheddar Cheese. Can't go wrong!

Italian Sausage & Pepperoni Pizza - Pizza Sauce & BBQ Sauce Base, Pepperoni, Italian Sausage, Onions, Yellow & Red Pepper, Mozarella Cheese. Oh yes! 

Everything Else Pizza - We piled all our leftovers onto this pizza. It was piled right up... Half a pack of bacon made it on here!

The boys perfected the crispy thin-crust. The tip of this pizza is quite heavy with potatoes and bacon and cheese at the end. The crust is beautifully thin, and held up perfectly against the weight! I was/am very impressed!

4. Fall Colours. When we walk the dog around our neighborhood, I occasionally become obsessed with all the leaves on the trees/ground. I feel a need to collect the most beautiful ones I can find. I had great success the other day with these beauties!

Okay... David is so embarrassed. I plucked this flower from a bush on the corner. There were lots of other great flowers on this bush, and also lots that were dead already! I figured I would appreciate it more in my 15 minute walk home than these people would if they're just letting them die! They wouldn't miss this one flower... Right?! (Not like it was a special flower they planted or anything... Just grew on a bush...)

I think I am so enthralled with the leaves in the Fall because... Well just a month ago these leaves were all green! Look at them now! Amazing. 

5. Paper Chain Countdown. Last Friday near the end of my day I was waiting for some calls back at work. Elissa often makes paper chains when she is counting down to something (her wedding, for example), and talks about how much she loves to rip off one link each day and watch the chain get smaller! While I was sitting at work, I got to thinking how I only had 30 days of work left after that day. That's not a lot at all!!! I made up a paper chain for my 30 days, and at the end of each work day I can rip off a link until I only have one left! Amazing.  

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