Monday 10 October 2016

27 WEEKS (CUCUMBER): Oct 2-8

Even my maternity shirt is starting to "tent" at the bottom! Eek!! Time for some more... bigger clothes!

  • Baby is the length of a super long cucumber this week! Coming in at 14.5" long, and weighing in at 2 lb! He's doubled his weight in the last month! (Or so they tell me)
  • No major developments this week. Baby continues to grow... and grow... 
  • Baby can recognize my voice at this time, and maybe even David's voice!
  • Baby can now taste what is in the amniotic fluid. He drinks and pees in cycles of up to 3 hours. It is so bizarre to me to think he's drinking and breathing amniotic fluid.
  • They say around 27 weeks your partner may be able to hear baby's heartbeat through your stomach. David thought he heard it the other day, so decided to give it a try again Sunday morning. Baby was having NONE OF THAT! Started kicking the side of David's head! Haha 
  • We've started enjoying balancing things on my stomach and watching baby try to kick them off. Won't be long!
  • My What to Expect app tells me my uterus is now the size of a basketball. That feels huge to me, but I guess that could be accurate! Yikes!
  • I get so out of breath after walking a very short distance, or up a short hill. Especially if I'm trying to carry on a conversation. Still three more months of this!!!
  • The area around my belly-button (particularly where it is pierced) is starting to get itchy, and I think I see a couple stretch marks starting around the piercing. All par for the course! I expected nothing less. I told David in a sort of sad voice, "Well... the stretch marks are starting..." and he just said, "Okay cool!" Haha he could care less obviously. At least it's not, "Oh no! Better start using that oil more and putting belly butter on at night!" 
  • I feel like there is no room left in there for baby to grow! My skin is super taught already... I can't believe I still have three months of growing to do. That terrifies me... not going to lie!
  • Since the stretch marks are probably starting, I wanted to get a few shots of my belly because realistically... it will probably never look the same... I want to remember what it was like :)
Wish I had fixed my nail-polish and taken off my fitbit, but that's okay. I really like this one anyway. As you can see I haven't developed the "linea nigra" yet. I wonder if I will at all.

Now you can see that outie belly-button! Maybe I'll have to add photos like this to my weekly photos now that we're in the 3rd trimester and I officially have a belly!
  • My back and hips continue to cause me discomfort, but again... I figure that's just going to be something that continues to get worse, so I should enjoy my mobility now while I have it!
  • I don't need David's help to get my shoes or socks on yet... getting there though!
  • David and I got to have some snuggles with Brent & Amy's newest addition, Eli! He was less than 48 hours old when we visited. So special!
This looks good on David doesn't it?! ;)

Getting ready for our lives in 3 months! 

This little love was awake and content for me the other night! <3
  • I still get occasional Braxton Hicks contractions. They are worse when I am too active (cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, etc... Have to take more breaks which sounds nice, but is kind of a nuisance when I have so much to do! I also get them a couple times a day randomly while sitting at my desk at work. Still not painful or anything, just a random tightening of the uterus. 
  • Baby-K's kicking is less sporadic now and it feels much more intentional. I would describe it more as.. pushing and rearranging my organs than kicking. A nice slow kick or outstretch of a limb... just have to coax the little guy to reel it back in and away from my bones and organs!
  • Frequent need to pee... I haven't had the constant urge to pee so far this pregnancy, other than when I was quite early and the hormones were going crazy. I thought I was one of the lucky ones! Well... this week baby has grown and/or re-positioned significantly. There is never a time where I feel like I don't have to pee... but when I do go to the bathroom barely a dribble comes out most of the time. This isn't so bad when I'm sleeping (at this point). I can usually sleep through it and am only up 1-2 times per night. However, during the day, every time I stand up it feels like I need to go! 
  • I look in the mirror, or put on my clothes and everything feels foreign. Whose body is this? Whose clothes are these? Sometimes I can't imagine it any other way, and other times I feel like what I see in the mirror isn't me. Not in a bad way... I don't get upset about it. It's just different! Bizarre... 
  • Apparently I am large enough that people will now go out of their way to hold doors open for me, or give me a wide berth. I'm not complaining! At EE's the other day, people were literally backing up their buggies so that I could get passed them. At work a gentleman went back down the hallway he just came from to open the door at the end for me... It's funny to me because I don't FEEL like I need/deserve all this special treatment, but I suppose it is good that people seem so willing to help out and accommodate the preggo!
  • 38 more days of work left!!! 61 more days until maternity leave starts!!! 84 more days until baby is due!!!

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