Thursday 13 October 2022


 Going to try continue with this "Weekly Roundup" thing. 

I left off last week after our wine tasting night on Scott's birthday. Yum! 

She's getting so great at independent play while Dom is at school

Watching the digger at pickup for Dom

On Tuesday I went to spin in the morning and witnessed a beautiful sunrise. Then I went straight to work for our annual audit. From there I went straight to pick up Emilia from preschool. Since Dave was home, I took her on her long awaited sushi date. She's been bugging me for months to have sushi with me although she'd never tried sushi before. She met my expectations and tried everything we ordered, but did not fall in love with anything besides the edamame beans. She didn't seem to mind the california rolls. It's hard when her mouth is so small too! 

Some outside play with Wren (a daily occurrence) and some of the first very late glimpses of Fall! Kirstin made us dinner on Tuesday too. Loving the unofficial meal sharing!

On Wednesday I repeated the morning routine of Tuesday with Spin and then another day of audit. I came home so Dave could go out and Emilia played quietly with some glitter tape she picked out at the Dollar Store after our sushi date. Best $3 I ever spent! We also went to Jesse & Kirstin's for Survivor. It's that time again!

I made this little card so she wanted to copy me

Wednesday afternoon Dom said his throat was starting to hurt. NOT AGAIN!!! By Thursday he was starting to show signs of developing a cough, so out of precaution we kept him home from school for an extra long 5-day weekend. He did end up developing a terrible cough. We have to check in with the doctor. Everything goes straight to his chest (except COVID when we had it in January ironically). Anyway, thank goodness Dave could stay home with him, because I really didn't want to miss Emilia's pumpkin patch field trip with preschool! I had to take Eva which proved to be pretty distracting, but I tried hard to be intentional with Emilia while we were there. 

So interesting watching Eva and Emilia's personality differences. Emilia stuck very close to me when we first got there. Eva climbed into the sand pit and started playing and talking to the other preschoolers

My little clinger

She was so excited to find the perfect pumpkin and brag to Dom that she got to go to the pumpkin patch before him.

Emilia wasn't into the photo ops, but Eva climbed up into the trailer thing when I wasn't watching. I'm glad there were other parents around because I needed help keeping an eye on Eva. She was everywhere haha.

She loves the not-orange pumpkins. She was hoping for a green one, but was happy with this white one in the end <3

She gets it

I didn't realize this was a thing. I was informed it is likely a cultural thing. The more you know.

Finally Eva discovered this slide and spent a solid 30 minutes going on it over and over and over again with some other kids that joined her. That gave me some time to go off and play with Emilia and give her the attention she deserved!

I think we were the last people from Emilia's class to leave. It was such a beautiful day!

Random picture of Eva helping me throw the ball for the dog

Friday was a day off. We spent most of the day inside. In the afternoon it was like 26 degrees again and we broke out the water table. In October... Still can hardly believe this Fall we're having! Zero complaints from me! The scarves and fuzzy boots can wait.

Saturday morning Dom was still sick, but Ashleigh invited me to walk at Tynehead. I got the privilege of leaving Eva behind too, and just Emilia, Sherlock and I joined her and Phoebe. After our walk we went to her parents backyard to hang out. The kids and dogs ran through the forest, played on the playground, and Ash and I got to chat over a Corona. 

On Thursday evening we noticed a funny smell coming from our basement. We remembered Jesse and Kirstin having a similar issue and their plumber said to just put a little water in the drain in the floor beside the hot water tank. We opened up the cupboard to do that and noticed some yellowish sludge and water in the pan under our hot water tank. Oh! Okay then. We called a plumber and they brought over a new tank for us on Saturday. When they were removing our old tank he told us we were very lucky we called him when we did. He showed us that the tank was starting to expand and the seal on the side was already starting to lift up. A hot water tank explosion/burst was imminent. When those happen they create TONS of damage (like blowing through walls). Because our tank was 14 years old, it probably wouldn't have been covered by insurance and would likely have blown through to the neighbour's place. SO! We now have a new hot water tank, HOT water, and some peace of mind for the next 10 years! Phew!!

He so desperately wanted to be outside.

He tried to go play outside, but kept losing his breath and having to rest. Not pleased about this haha.

We have a new bedtime routine that works 5/7 nights or so. Eva goes to bed at 7, then we read the big kids a story, then one of us tucks Dom in, the other reads Emilia a story in our room, and then Emilia sneaks into her room without waking Eva. Unless Eva isn't cooperating it seems to work and it's such a relief!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving brunch with the Kimbers. Dom was still coughing quite a bit and Eva developed a runny nose, so we wanted to do the right thing and kept them home. Emilia's super immune system is allowing her to have lots of one on one time with us this weekend! Dom was distraught that he couldn't go to brunch. He's been begging to see Rebecca for weeks. While I was home with him he made a bar graph of teams' Stanley Cup wins, worked on his own Canucks schedule calendar, and taught him how to play the card game Golf. He picked it up quickly. 

In the afternoon he was well enough to get outside with us for a bit. I made dinner for us and J&K too and we just ate outside. 

In the evening Scott came over to help us out with some Halloween crafting. Ohhhh I wish I could share what we're working on! Dave wants it to be a surprise, so I'll have to maintain the confidentiality, but it's hard!

Um. Hello. Who said you were allowed to grow up?

Dom got into baseball again yesterday so Jesse drew up a diamond for him. Of course this ended in the grown ups trying to smoke the (foam) ball over the houses haha. 

Emilia's note for Rebecca "Happy Thanksgiving Rebecca (Recca)"

Dom's getting pretty good at hitting the ball that's pitched to him!

Monday we assessed and decided everyone was well enough for Thanksgiving dinner at Jeff & Marta's. It was a really lovely visit and everyone was there which was extra special!
We started out with plans to do roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, thanksgiving sides, etc. Then we decided to just go simple and order pizza or something. Then Scott was horribly offended by this and almost single-handedly got a boerenkool dinner planned and made! 

Tea from my Glacier mug :)

They might be geniuses. Used their ping pong table to seat everyone!

I honestly can't handle Owen wearing this shirt! <3

Dom just before he turned 1 wearing this same shirt <3

We got a family photo! Dom's face haha! This is 5.

Cute... We sneaked away for a quick round of Rockband

Our non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner! Yum!

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