Friday 28 October 2022


Okay, so first of all what on earth do I do with this girl's hair?! I trim her bangs just enough to keep them out of her eyes, but then she has this long curly mullet I don't know what to do with haha. Do I cut it? Do I keep trying to get her sit still for hairstyles? Or do I just embrace the mullet - she seems to have been fighting to have a mullet since birth so maybe this is just her life haha.

Also, something in Paw Patrol or something spooked her the other day and now she whines and clings to me any time I turn on the TV. All hope is gone for me accomplishing anything while she's awake haha.

Second of all, I was treated to a pedicure last week with Juanita, Aunty Marion and Aunty Sonya! It took me a bit to settle down and relax, but boy did I enjoy that massage chair and foot/leg massage. Could go for those every day for sure. 

After the pedicure, Juanita came home with me to help wrangle the troops and we went to my parents' place for a dinner with my whole family, her whole family and Aunty Sonya. Mom & Dad made their famous chicken thighs which are always a crowd pleaser.

I'm so glad these girls have each other <3

Picture from last Tuesday when T&J came to our place for dinner. Eva and Ruben watching the neighbour girls play soccer

On Friday suddenly it was Fall! I got to bust out the kids' rain gear that I bought them this year. I got them actual MEC waterproof rain gear because I found it for 50% off a couple months ago. So glad because they are toasty warm!

They tested the limits of their rain gear sliding down this "grass" hill before school.

Friday afternoon there was a big dinner at Jeff & Marta's for all the Dutchies and the Dejong family. I was honestly completely wiped at this point and probably should have listened to my body and sat out, but there was some excellent food and it was nice to see the Dutchies one more time before they were off to Alberta. When we got home we were in bed before 9 and I said to Dave, "If you wake up close to 7 and I'm still passed out, can you please turn off my alarm and just let me sleep?" I slept 10 hours straight that night and woke up feeling like a new person. Thank. You!

Juanita was going through some of Oma D's old photo albums and found this picture of me as a toddler. We figure we see some Eva in here!

Also found this picture and noticed Oma D's parents had a cottage named "Amelia". 

Saturday I had band practice as I decided to accept Dad's request to play bass on Sunday. It's been a long time... After band practice and Eva's nap, we were off to the annual Greg & Liz Holmes Client Appreciation Event at Hazelmere Pumpkin Patch! We've been going every year since before we had kids and got special VIP status this year so Dave could get as many pumpkins as he wanted. He took that seriously haha. 

Eva absolutely thrived at the patch and petting zoo. She ran around petting all the goats going, "puppy!!! puppy!" When I tried correcting her, "Ohhhh, isn't that a cute goat? Are you petting a goat?" She looked up and said, very sternly, "Puppy. Woof woof." That's that then! 

We went to the big tent for some snacks and colouring. Dave took the kids to the patch to get some pumpkins and do the corn maze and then Ash, the girls & I followed. I did the corn maze again with D&E, we rode the tractor/hay ride, and had lots of play time on the super cool playground!

Afterwards we ordered pizza, and then Scott came over to help out with some AMAZING Halloween crafting. Oh how I wish I could share the spoilers. 

This is my life. I went upstairs to get ready for band practice and this is what happens downstairs. Either this or people are fighting, so... this is better.

Most perfect pumpkin patch weather ever! The little rain we had on Friday was just enough to get rid of all the dust, but not enough to make it muddy at all. It was sunny but not hot; just perfect.

Dom & Emilia were always more wary of the petting zoo animals and I don't think they ever actually pet them as toddlers. Or children haha. Eva's just all in - she is her own person I tell ya.

Checking out the pigs. Her pig noise is some weird honk sort of sound because she doesn't realize it's an inhale snort and thinks it's an exhale sort of noise. That probably doesn't make sense, but it's cute.

So many fun activities and snacks for the kids! They had face painting too, but I couldn't convince them to do it. Maybe next year.

I should put together a collage of all our pumpkin patch family photos :)

They caught me trying to take a picture and quickly ran together to do this pose <3

Sunday I was at church from 8-1230 since there are two services now. I can't do that every time for sure, makes for a long morning, especially after a very long and busy week. 

Scott & Ash & Phoebe came over in the afternoon and made us some dinner! It was dry enough to play outside, so they gave Dom an early birthday present - his own set of golf clubs! He's never golfed a day in his life, but obviously he's a complete natural and by the next day was better than I am. It's not fair haha. 

This kid hates surprises, but he must trust Scott & Ash because he excitedly closed his eyes when they said to.

My heart. So sweet. This boy LOVES playing sports with his Daddy. He's been missing that a lot since Eva required more attention this spring/summer and wasn't just a potato on a blanket or a jolly jumper outside. 

Dave showing Dom some golfing form and giving him some things to think about and remember for when he's doing it on his own.

Eva aggressively eating rocks... Phoebe is wearing Eva's old sweater that's too small for her now and I kept getting the girls mixed up.

Monday was school for Dom and a busy work day for me. Emilia watched 4 hours of Mickey Mouse (4 hours straight... of Mickey Mouse) while I did some work for our biggest event of the year we have coming up next Friday. Dave rescued me when Eva was making it too difficult to work and I had a little meltdown. Thank goodness he was home! I took the dog and the girls for a walk in the evening while Dave and Dom practice their golf swings in the green belt.

Tuesday both the big kids had school so I took Eva on some errands after drop off and then to tot romp again with Scott & Phoebe. By the time I got home and put her to bed it was almost time to go pick up Emilia so I didn't get much done that day, but it's a great way to kill time! We went to small groups in the evening to chat and play some Dominion too.

Glad I went for the size 3 even though it looked way too big! Also new boots that light up after I realized on Friday that she didn't have actual rain boots that fit her!

Phoebe trying desperately to ride in the car with the horse

Wednesday I worked 7-330. I was planning to work 7-12, but it was just way too busy. I came home with a killer headache (been getting those a lot more lately), and Dave sent me to take a nap while he made tacos (Super Dad!). After dinner my headache had cleared and we were able to watch Survivor at Jesse & Kirstin's in the evening and still be in bed by 930. Ahhhh. 

Yesterday was KG & Preschool again, so the girls had some time to play in the rain before Emilia's drop off. After school I made some tortellini soup and S&A&P came over to carve pumpkins! They put Phoebe down so we could hang out a bit after bedtime and though we were all exhausted, it was nice not to have that rush to get through the pumpkins so they could get home. 

This reminds me I got their school photo proofs and oh my gosh. She looks like a teenager! Can't wait to get the digital version so I can share!

Her bangs got a trim when we got home haha

Dom: Pumpkins are disgusting! I think they're icky!
Me: What do you think is icky about them?
Dom: The fibrous strands

Yummy pumpkin seeds...

These girls mostly scooped guts and put them back INTO the pumpkins <3

He actually did probably 60% of the carving on his, and picked his face.

I'll have to get pictures of their finished pumpkins still.

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