Saturday 19 March 2022

The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish Swish Swish...

This week has felt a little bit funny as we're transitioning out of being sick and back into real life, but real life is so slow right now because it's Spring Break. We're all a little stir crazy, so feeling very grateful for the sun and fresh air today. 

Most of our days look the same. Eat, listen to music, make messes, eat some more, switch to audiobooks, have a few fights, eat some more, eat some more, demand more food, etc. etc. It's pretty monotonous. We broke it up with a few things this week though. 

(For some reason these pictures loaded backwards... oh well. Too lazy to rearrange them now).

Dom's still loving his drawing and followed along to draw Darth Vader

Watching the boys play

Jesse brought out his t-ball set before we had them over for dinner (pesto tortellini). Dom did remarkably well (of course) for never touching a bat before. 

Waiting for me when I got home from work on Wednesday

Eva's first pigtails!! <3

3 Stooges

On Thursday I'd had enough (and everyone was healthy), so we packed up and I took the three kids to the library. I kind of forgot about the library for a while there! It was surprisingly quiet, and they had some activities set up for kids. There was a little "frog" hunt looking for a stuffed frog. When you found it they gave each kid a treat (an organic lollipop). They also gave out Spring Break Activity bags which included a few crafts, games, word search, etc. Between the outing, the new books, and the activities, Dom and Emilia were happy for the rest of the afternoon. 

Another KILLER library pick by Emilia haha! A parody of "The Wheels on the Bus"
Last time she got a book titled, "I Hate Everyone"

Opening up their activity bags

Frog crowns!

Around 4:30 I packed up and headed over to Scott and Ashleigh's where I was planning to hang out with Phoebe for a couple hours while they went out for dinner. I was honestly feeling pretty nervous about it because I felt like Phoebe probably doesn't really know me that well. It's hard to spend quality time with the nephews and nieces when my own kids match them in number. My nerves were quickly settled when she transitioned from waving bye to Mom & Dad to eating dinner with me very easily. She is the sweetest, funniest and friendliest little girl. She's such a toddler. It's hard to believe she's only 4 weeks older than Eva! She loves her baby and cares for it well, she communicates pretty well with pointing, "DA"-ing, and signing, and she is very comfortable in her routine. We had dinner together, and I swear she was hosting me. I had finished my soup and she was still eating, and at one point she looked at my empty bowl, signed more, said "da?" and pointed to the soup container on the counter. Like, "Are you sure you don't want more?" Too good. After dinner we played for a while, then she had a bath and went about the bedtime routine smoothly. When I put her down for bed she was upset for a minute so I gave her a cuddle and she nearly fell asleep in my arms snuggling her bunny. When I put her down the second time she didn't make a peep and settled off to sleep. Success! 


This experience reminded me of what life was like when I just had one kid. So... quiet.

Today Gramma and Grandpa came over and brought some pizzas for lunch. We had pizzas and then all got outside for a bit which felt good. The girls took a walk/bike ride to the park, and the boys stayed home and played some hockey/basketball. Ideal afternoon on all fronts. Now Eva is napping, the kids are playing their NHL videogames with Daddy (a Saturday tradition), and I am crocheting, journaling, and blogging. Could be worse. :)

Scott got Star Wars Guess Who from work so Ashleigh set up R2D2 & R2D2 playing against C3PO and BB8 for the kids to wake up to this morning. S&A came over after bedtime for a game of Settlers last night that I won :)

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