Saturday 25 December 2021

'Tis the Season to be Quarantined...

Well this has not been the Christmas week I was expecting/hoping for/planning. Last Sunday Dom & Emilia started coughing. It has not stopped. We are 7 days into RSV, a highly contagious respiratory infection that is particularly horrible for children. 

The cough started Sunday night, and progressively got worse throughout the week. I thought maybe they were getting better on Thursday, but then they both got fevers that night and we had to cancel plans. Then Friday they had fevers most of the day and Dom had a long sleep in the middle of the day. Today Emilia took a turn for the worse. 

This morning I was considering the possibility we'd have to take Emilia to the hospital, wondering if it had progressed into pneumonia. Talked with some nurse and doctor friends and decided to medicate her, push fluids, and hope for the best. She perked up for the next 5-6 hours, and then by the evening her temperature was creeping back up again. Shit. 

The coughing fits are so bad. Neither of them have coughed so hard they threw up, but there have been some quite close calls. The saving grace has been good night time sleep! We have humidifiers going next to each of their beds, and they're both great independent sleepers, so they've at least been getting good rest at night. 

Dr. Google tells me RSV is usually contagious or 8ish days, or until 24 hours clear of symptoms like fever. The cough can linger. I think Dom is probably no longer contagious, but Emilia likely is. I think she's either been hit worse, or is a day behind him in the virus progression. The incubation period can be up to 4-6 days, which means they could still be contagious, and Dave, Eva and I could not even develop symptoms until next week sometime. The chances of us not getting it are near zero I'm sure. A 5 and 3.5 year old are not very good at keeping their germs to themselves. 

I'm really nervous for Eva to get it. Seeing how sick the big kids are, and knowing how much stronger they are... That will be a rougher ride for sure. Can't reason with a baby! 

I was going to get Emilia tested for COVID on Friday, but then like 15 minutes before her test they broke the news about the new testing rules which basically are if you aren't high risk, don't get tested. Crappy. It's not presenting like COVID though, but also definitely isn't a regular cough/cold. Bummer... Apparently RSV is rampant this year. I reached out on a Facebook group and so many other families are in the same boat, missing their holidays due to RSV. Many of them have been quarantined for 2 weeks because it's such a persistent virus. Fun! 

Christmas is usually my favorite time of the year. Even last year when COVID stole Christmas, at least it stole it from everyone. This year I'm just allowing myself to have a pity party. The kids hardly know what we're missing. We still opened presents with them this morning, and Dave and I had a nice Christmas Eve date night last night at home, but I'm struggling to feel festive and honestly just want to take down all the decorations and try again next year haha. 

Praying the kids are feeling much better tomorrow, and praying that the virus magically doesn't spread further in our house! I got out for a short walk in the snow with Sherlock this evening and it felt good to breathe again. It was so peaceful and beautiful and quiet! Even the cars make hardly any sound driving in the snow. Loved it. Looking forward to sun and snow for the next week or so!

Even snow on Fraser Highway! Would have thought they'd plow.

Here's what the rest of our week has looked like...

Poor Sherlock not feeling well on Sunday and Monday. So lethargic he was falling asleep with his head up. More on this in my last Thankful Thursday post

Our one outing this week, to the park on Monday.

I can't with how cute these girls are together <3

At least there's new toys to keep the kids busy this week

Kids plotting something against us I'm sure.

Kept up with our advent activities. Decorating Christmas trees

Emilia using glitter in a way only she can.

Things starting to take a turn on Wednesday evening. Been coughing for days, but suddenly must more unwell.

Sherlock's Christmas gift from the dog food store. Lasted all of 4 minutes before being chewed to pieces.

Thursday we'd planned to cook up some smores with Jesse & Kirsten, but with how gross our kids were, we opted to just do it with our family on our patio instead. Eva had fun...

The big kids tried. They really did, but they were so sick.

Smiling through his fever of 103 :(

We'll have to try again on a day when everyone is healthy.

Christmas Eve snow! Only lasted a couple hours, but it was the biggest flakes I've ever seen!

Scott and Ash invited us out to Tynehead, but since the kids were sick, I just took Eva and Sherlock out. Halfway into the walk (dogs were offleash), Sherlock just took up perfect heel position between Scott and Ashleigh haha.

Final advent activity! Stockings!

I definitely made a Christmas Eve panic trip to the dollar store to get stocking stuffers. Turned out perfect!

We also read our final advent story and hung it on the tree

Painting the birdhouses they got in their stockings. I don't know if it's because he's sick, but Dom was very into slowing down and doing the artistic activities, and actually ASKED for a piece of papers to practice his letters.

Got all the kids to bed and Dave and I opened our stockings. Dave was in charge of stockings this year. He did great :)

Then we did our scratch and wins, drank lots of beer, listened to Christmas music, and played games and laughed. Much better than the survival mode living we'd been doing all week!

Dave picked out this Harry Potter Movie Quiz game at Homesense a while back and totally forgot about it. We played it for a long time and I held my own, but he definitely won!

Christmas morning! The kids were up at 5... Probably due to Dom napping the day before. 

Mess free colouring books from dollar store. Recommend!

Super nutritious breakfast!

Emilia was feeling like CRAP, but we still did our picture and opened presents

Dom got... an I Spy book, a puzzle, a Star Wars book, a soccer ball, and a giant Millennium Falcon and Tie Fighter

Emilia got an I Spy book, a puzzle, a Hogwarts sweater, this Frozen canvas, and a new Frozen backpack FULL of Frozen stuff. 

Oh and of course, A WHITE CHRISTMAS! Beautiful. Very Canadian of these boys. Emilia wanted to go out soooo badly, but didn't last more than 3 minutes before coming in in tears because she was so sick.

Advil, applesauce, water, frozen blanket, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to the rescue.

Such a beautiful day. Glad I got out tonight

Gourmet Christmas dinner haha

Discussing villains at dinner, and looked over to see Eva had smeared ketchup in her hair and looked like this. Oh dear haha!

Surely next year will be better! I remember being excited for 2020 to be over. I am equally, if not more excited for 2021 to be over haha!

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