Thursday 9 December 2021

Thankful Thursday - 279: Picture Overload!

 Be prepared for an obnoxious amount of pictures! I am just going to unload them in chronological order instead of putting them nicely in Thankful Thursday format. I was on a mission this week to get a nice candid photo of Dom without his fingers in his mouth. That led to many photos of many things!

In any case, this week I am thankful for...

1. Support of our family. 

2. All these cousins. 

3. The roads are open and Gramma and Grandpa could visit again! It's been 4 weeks!

4. Advent calendar keeping me present. We do the daily "activities" and the kids look forward to it so much. It keeps me present, engaged, and more willing to play and do things with them. Gives me perspective and focus. 

5. Snow! Snow is WAY more fun when you have kids. I don't love playing in it, but this year the big kids (Dom especially) could have played for hours. Also, since Dave was working, I had to be the one to take everyone outside. Go me... 

6. Feeling healthy. 'Tis the season for gatherings, celebrations, and germs. I had a pretty yucky cough for a couple days last week - COVID negative. It's gone now, but I am pretty afraid of someone getting sick for my birthday this weekend or for any of our Christmas gatherings! 

Now for the photos...

Friday was a rare clear day, so we made sure to get outside! 

Many memories of Emilia wearing this jacket in her first winter <3

Advent #3 - watch The Grinch!

Saturday morning we did our Advent #4 - wooden ornament painting. Then I went out on a hunt for snow gear for Dom. I hit up Talize and got snow pants, and picked up some boots from marketplace. At Talize I got a couple things for myself too as none of my clothes in my closet fit and I give up trying to make them fit. Later Eva and I visited Scott, Ashleigh and Phoebe for a play date. In the evening the kids were pestering me to watch something, so they did some Frozen Yoga :) We've been working through the Star Trek movie series with Jesse and Kirsten, so we finished that up in the evening as well.

Dom's been a bit more into crafting lately and I was so proud that he actually used green for his Christmas tree and yellow for the star! I know it "doesn't matter", and it doesn't, but he actually put thought and care into this ornament painting. 

These girls! Kept them busy by throwing a handful of puffs on the floor. 

Matching with Mommy! <3


The joy on Emilia's face <3. I need to get her into dance class or something structured like that. I think she'd love it.

Took a break to video chat with cousin Phoebe!

Eva's new game... try to eat the underlay on our rug. Not fun.

Sherlock loving them. Slash begging for the popcorn behind them.

Sunday morning I went out shopping. I went to Talize and La Vie en Rose. At Talize I returned a couple things, and was on a mission to find jeans that fit properly, and a few tops that made me feel cute instead of blech. I got two bras at La Vie en Rose, but am going to return those too. I got help with sizing, but still just doesn't feel right! My body is confusing right now. 

After shopping, I went straight to Jeff & Marta's new place and Dave and the kids met us there. The rest of the family came too and we had waffle brunch. It was the first time we've all been together since... Thanksgiving maybe? It's madness. It's fun, and it's also hard to have an actual conversation with anyone because everyone's focus is pulled in different directions with all the babies and children. For our Christmas gathering this year, we're doing gifts and dinner with the kids, then everyone is putting their kids to bed (we're hiring a sitter and bringing them home), and then coming back to do our games for charity evening. That will be nice to have some grown up time!

Leaning aggressively to avoid Myles' sticky fingers grabbing her hair. May have ended in some tears from her

Just little humans everywhere. In a couple months Owen will be big enough to join the crowds, too

I love trying to get pictures of us with the other siblings' kids. Uncle Scott & Owen

When you're born 4 days apart, you have no problem sharing

Advent #5 - Christmas Light walk & Hot chocolate!

Monday morning we woke up to snow! We didn't get much, and it was mostly freezing rain during the day, but it was enough for the kids to play in for a while and for them to get excited about! In the morning they grabbed their boots and played on the deck for a few minutes. Kirsten then showed off her arm by whipping snowballs at our deck from theirs. 

Dom trying to get Jesse with a snowball

This didn't last as long as I was hoping.

Snow angels

I just have such vivid memories of playing in the snow with my siblings and love watching them make these memories too!

When you don't want to wear your toque, you get to suffer the consequences! Haha

Whyyyyyy does he look so grown up?!

Emilia went inside so Dom pivoted his activities. Honestly, I had to drag him inside after over an hour of play. I long for the days where we have our own yard for them to play in and I don't have to be right there with them, but can supervise from inside instead!

Advent #6 - footprint reindeer craft. Dom wasn't into this one as he didn't want to get his feet dirty. He did do some painting and gluing though, so I'll take it!


That's more like it!

Aunty Ashleigh and Phoebe came over to play again!

Daddy took Emilia out to pick up a new lens for his camera and Dom and I had some quiet playtime in his room. We built Brendam Docks with his Duplo and he led me through a whole Thomas story about Cranky the Crane.

This girl loves her big brother and sister! Emilia checking her toe jam haha!

Lots of development this week! Started crawling for real, pulling herself up, surfing the couch, and getting from crawling/laying to sitting! Something just clicked!

Tuesday the big kids had preschool. In the late morning, we got a text from Scott and Ashleigh that said, "We're coming over for lunch!" Ooookay! We just so happened to have some bread we were discussing making french toast with that morning, so I made us some french toast, Ashleigh picked up the kids from preschool, and we had a nice visit and play time! That's 4 days straight! :)

Made her way from the floor, to the cube, to the couch. Very proud of herself

Excuse me, could you spare some scraps please?

This wasn't staged. This just happened while the grown ups were eating lunch <3

Advent #7 - Candy Cane Hunt!

Wednesday morning I got to work, and came out to find it was a beautiful day! It seems we either have horrible freezing cold rain or gorgeous sunshine lately. Not many mild, cloudy days going on. After quiet time I brought the big kids outside while Eva napped. They played in the snow pile for a while, and then rode bikes and played hockey.

Petite Pink Beacon <3

Love this natural laughter! Happiest when he's being active :)

Also love this face. She was in such a goofy mood yesterday!

I love this toque I crocheted. Maybe Mommy needs a matching one... Hmm...

Gramma and Grandpa got to FINALLY come over for dinner again! They were here to watch the kids on our anniversary (November 10), and then the floods and landslides happened and led to road closures or essential travel only. Finally, 4 weeks later, we were able to visit again. Yeesh. In the evening we walked over to Jesse & Kirsten's and watched Survivor with them. Finale next week!

Advent #8 was supposed to be a Glow Stick Party, but we moved it to a different day since Gramma and Grandpa were over. Instead, we had Christmas cookies and Gramma brought over these Christmas sticker crafts.

Sigh... Now I know why she decided to learn to crawl and get to sitting up on her own this week. This tree needed to be yanked on and chewed on!

That brings us to today! I dropped the kids off at preschool with a very grumpy Eva. Two minutes into the drive home she fell asleep. Hard. I got her out of her carseat at home and she woke for a few minutes and fussed for a few more when I put her in her crib (half an hour before her usual nap time). She's been asleep for over an hour now in her crib on top of the car nap. Growth spurt? Leap? Teething? I hope so... better not be coming down with something!
Now I've spent an hour of my 3.5 hours of free time blogging... Maybe I should go do something productive for the household now. Or maybe not. We'll see :)

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