Thursday 27 August 2020

Thankful Thursday 231 - A Week of Gramma

1. Help! As I mentioned in my previous post, David is away this week hiking at Wells Gray Provincial Park. His mom decided to stay home and will go up there with Rachel & Rebecca this Saturday. She has been the greatest help this week when I really needed it most! (Thank goodness, because it was terrible timing for Dave to go away!). 

She's spent every day with us, sometimes a full day, sometimes just the morning or evening. I haven't actually had to cook hardly at all. Here are some photos from the week so far.

I walked Sherlock and met up with them at the park.

On Tuesday I dropped the kidlets off in the morning, and then had a whole self-care day that was SO needed I can't even begin to explain. I was planning to come home and get some stuff done on my to do list, but threw all that out the window. I booked myself a mani-pedi (first time I've ever done this for myself), and took a nap, and indulged in a rare treat!

Oh ya. I went there!

Aunty Rachel and Rebecca came over to play for a bit too, so here's all the kiddies playing in the sand box! Hiker may have loved it a little too much! 

He was zipping around in and out of the sandbox digging and just getting the puppy zoomies! So cute

Back to Gramma's for dinner and ice cream cones!

Emilia was blown away by the ice cream cone. She kept pulling her head back and just saying, "Yum." Over and over. I wish I could have gotten video of it. Something about it was just too cute!

2. More help! Jeff and Marta offered to take Sherlock for us for a couple days, particularly while I'm doing my first two full days at the midwives, so that Shelley doesn't have two kids, her puppy, and Sherlock! And so that I don't have to worry about walking him on top of everything else. They took him on his birthday! August 26 <3. I've missed his company in the evenings, but am glad to have that bit of responsibility off my chest!

3. Chickaletta baby #...15? Welcome to the world Lucy Wilhelmina! Dom was quite convinced you were going to be a boy, but thinks you're pretty cute anyway :) Congratulations to Katrina and Brayden on their 4th (and final?) baby! Born August 27 - 7lb 6 oz. Exact same size as Emilia!

And something random... I've heard that when my brother Jeff was little, he'd insist on reading the same Berenstain Bears book(s) over and over again. We all tease him about it to this day. Alas... It appears Dom has this very same affliction. I have read this book 3 days in a row now haha! There are so many behavioural/temperamental similarities between Uncle Dump (Jeff) and Dom.

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