Sunday 23 August 2020

Keep Trucking

We watched Frozen 2 today. #survivalmode

Whew! I completely missed Thankful Thursday this week! How is it Sunday again already?!

Dave and I were both really busy last week. On Tuesday I went in to the Spartan Foundation office for a few hours, and hew as in Penticton/Osoyoos all day for work. He left at 430am, and got home at 930pm! I also worked Thursday/Friday at the midwives, and he was working the other days as well. I'm poopered! 

Yesterday David left to go to Wells Gray Provincial Park for a hiking trip with his dad and some family friends. He will be gone for a full week. I don't know whether it's the adjustment of Dave being gone, or adjusting to me being out of the house a lot more after so many months of just our family in our house all the time or what, but it's taking an obvious toll on the kids. They've been acting out more than usual, and are being more clingy/needy than usual. Especially Emilia.

I made muffins with the kids today. This is an accurate depiction of how I felt after accomplishing that

Yesterday, for Emilia's nap, she fought it for the first time ever (that I can remember). She cried and just wanted to cuddle and kept calling for me. This is SO not like her. I finally took her into my bed where I was also trying to nap and she finally fell asleep. She tried at bedtime too, saying she was sad, and she needed to cuddle Mommy. She cried for 10 minutes straight before finally falling asleep. First thing she did when she woke up in the morning was call for me and get sad. She is my champion sleeper, so this is foreign territory for me! I am okay to leave her to sort it out, but I still feel bad that she's struggling. It's like she suddenly has separation anxiety around bedtime or something. To be fair, she's also getting her two top molars, so she's been a little extra cranky because of that. 

Not complaining (how could I?! She was so cute napping beside me), just interesting that she's suddenly having these issues, and that it happens to coincide with David going away haha!

It looks like I'll have lots of help this week though which is amazing. David's mom stayed back from the trip this week and will go up next weekend, so she's helping me out lots, and watching the kids while I work this week. My mom is back to work, but has also offered to help when she can. It takes a village!

Lucky I love you Emilia. "Mommy tuddle. Me haaad :("

Sherlock, why so awkward?! Remember that major rain storm we had a few days ago? I was out walking Sherlock and Emilia in it haha. I don't ever recall being caught in rain like that. This picture was before the big rain even started. People were coming out of their houses to watch the rain and I'm there just trudging through it. It was like being in a shower! Amazing. Sherlock probably disliked it the most since it kept pelting his eyes so he couldn't see and just walked with his eyes closed during the downpour :).

Other than this, I don't even know what to write about! I've just been coasting along, taking it day by day, looking forward to my next sleep haha! Looking forward to a day where I can eventually slow down again and focus on some self-care. Even yoga had taken a hit for a while, but I'm trying my best to get back up to 5-6 times a week again. At least I'm putting this evening all to myself to good use so far! 

Oh! The Canucks! The start of Round 2 (vs Golden Knights) starts tonight. I watched every game of Round 1, and it's actually feeling like a promising year! Not sure I'll use my quiet evening by myself to watch a full hockey game, but at least I'd like to keep up to date on it! 

We gave David Dom's little R2D2 toy to take pictures of on his trip to send us, so then Dom can see the adventures he's going on. Here are the first three we've received! Haha

I'm grateful Dave has the opportunity to go do this trip, and that I have help back here at home. I'm trying not to be jealous. I can't imagine a scenario where I'd ever get to leave and have complete freedom from responsibility and home life for a full week. Maybe one day... girls trip to an all inclusive?!?! :)

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