Thursday 12 December 2019

Thankful Thursday - 205

This week I am thankful for...

1. Emilia's words. She's been a lot slower at talking than Dom, but it's starting! Every day there's a couple new words. Lately they've been: teddy, bottle, blankie (dee dee), hat, hair, I-Spy (eye eye), 49 (NINE NINE! - Dom always measures everything as "49", so now she steps on the scale and excitedly says, "nine nine!"), sweater (ta ta), granola (wo-wa)... Anyway, it's really cute and nice to see. 

I don't even know why I bother cleaning up. Ever. Every time I tidy up a mess, I turn around and there's a new one, often bigger. At least they're cute!

Oh this poor girl with that cowlick and crazy hair. She's so happy to be making pancakes with Gramma, wearing her fancy coat from Jaia. Side note: she now lets me blow-dry her hair after baths sometimes, which helps keep it under control haha.

2. Quiet time. Some little boy in our house is almost 3, and is starting to refuse naps at least 50% of the time. I know it's to be expected, but I'm not ready to give up this quiet time. We've decided we can't force him to nap, but we do ask him to stay in his room for the duration of nap time (2ish hours). He has been loving the introverting time, and plays so great and imaginatively. He is also often in a better mood afterwards just from the re-charge, so it works sort of like a nap anyway. He's a bit grumpier at times and needs an earlier bed time, but for the most part he's pretty flexible. 

Calmly driving cars on his floor. Maybe we should put the car mat up there for nap/quiet time.

3. A lovely birthday celebration. Yesterday was my birthday! I had to work yesterday morning for 5 hours, but was home in time for the kids to be napping. I also got a bottle of wine from Steve (boss) for my birthday. Dave gave me my gifts, and then Mom, Dad, Adam, Scott & Ashleigh came and made dinner and ate with us. After dinner David's parents joined us for delicious cupcakes! Adam stuck around for a couple games of Bananagrams and we were in bed by 9:30. Perfection haha!

From Dave I got... a scratch & win scavenger hunt, two scented candles I asked for, Bananagrams and SoftMoc moccasins! Considering I was expecting nothing; maybe a scratch & win, I'd say I hit the jackpot! He knows me so well :)

I've only lit the one on the right so far and it smells so delicious!

4. Baby Emmett <3. Born December 2! 

These play dates are getting crazy. There are... 14 kids under the age of 5

Yes, Emilia is as pissed as she looks. It's a miracle she's not screaming at me in this moment. I got a good 5 minute snuggle in! Love these early newborn cuddles.

"Mommy, I'm Katrina, no I mean Kerriann! With baby Emmett!"

5. Meal Prepping. I used "quiet time" today to prep some pizzas for the freezer for the next few weeks. I made 20 all together on pitas from Costco. I made 11 Beet Pesto, and 9 Proscuitto pizzas. 

Beet Pesto Pizza:
Homemade beet pesto
Goat cheese

Proscuitto Pizza:
Pizza sauce
Proscuitto pieces
Fresh Basil (after baking)

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