Friday 6 December 2019

Thankful Thursday - 204

This made me laugh :)

There is always something to be thankful for.

1. My supportive friends. I am so blessed to have an incredible friend-group that I can share anything with and know I will receive nothing but support and encouragement. Dave and I had a rough start to our week for personal reasons, and right away Natalia brought us dinner, and everyone has been checking in. Everything is okay, but it is really nice to know that support network is right there, ready to go! It's like having a third family <3 The Chickaletta family!

Katrina brought this very fitting wine to our Small Group Christmas party last Friday. I may have over-indulged a little in the red wine, making Saturday a SLOW day!

Some of the Chickalettas at the sign painting night a few weeks back. 

Look at all these kids!! And this is missing Isabella, Mikaela, James, Elliot, and Sloane. There may or may not be one other new addition to the group this week, too!
My kids cracked under the pressure of this pic. LOL at Emilia's face

2. Hand-me-downs. I'm not a sentimental person (typically), and I don't like to hold on to things too too long (except my stuffed animals from when I was a kid...), but David's mom passed down these ridiculously cute Christmas sweater-vests from when Dave and Rachel were kids. Can we also just appreciate that I got a picture with both of them smiling?!

No one needs to see the ridiculous face I'm making to make them smile like this. Also, just ignore Emilia's crazy hair. It's un-tamable right now.

He is going to be 3... like in a few weeks. I can't believe it

3. Visitors at work. I need to do something with that back wall. That calendar board hasn't been updated in years. I just don't know what to do!

Dom (and Dave) were really hoping there was some hockey going on. Not this time!

4. Self-care. I had to really try to make time for self-care this week. On Tuesday night that looked like wine, chips and watching The Crown on Netflix! On Wednesday instead of Small Groups, Dave and I used my mom being at our house to go out for dinner, use our anniversary dessert coupon, and go to Michaels. It was really key for us to be able to go out and talk and "be" with no distractions of home. Then Ashleigh came over last night with all the supplies for a girls night! We had wine, candy, did scratch-and-wins, painted our nails, did face masks, and watched a couple crappy Christmas movies on Netflix. For the record, "Christmas in the Wild" is a really bad movie, haha! But, there were elephants, so that made it tolerable!

I'm looking forward to getting into the Christmas season! My birthday is next week and I have no idea what to do, or what I want to do. Any suggestions??

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