Friday 5 May 2023

Thankful Thursday - Fancy Events/Agassiz/New Baby Snuggles/Learning Conferences

This week I am thankful for (in no particular order because there's a lot this week!)...

1. A baby to snuggle! Jesse & Kirstin welcomed their second baby on April 24th and he is the suh-weetest! Nate (or "Baby Mate" as Eva calls him) is so far very chill and we get to have lots of snuggles :)

3 days old! Rarely get to snug such a freshie!

What you eating?!

This is how I get to watch Survivor now :)

2. A fancy event! Dave and I got to get all dressed up and go to the Hope International fundraiser at the Vancouver Convention Centre on Saturday night. I had this dress in my closet handed down from Aly for a while, and I was stoked to finally find the perfect occasion for it! It was the most gorgeous day and we had an awesome time. 

Thanks for the ride, friends!

We live in the most beautiful place in the world. Or 30 minutes from it anyway haha!

Our group minus a few

Table 68 :)

I don't even know who it was, but someone (or some people) bought a bunch of wine for our table, so THANK YOU! It was delicious and very much-enjoyed :) Some of my favorite BC wines!

3. Strawberry Tea with Emilia. Our church had a women's high tea party last weekend so I invited Emilia to come with me. Many others brought their littles as well and everyone looked so fancy it was ridiculously adorable. 

4. Dom's learning conference. Last Friday we had parent/teacher conferences with Dom's teacher and Dom. It went great! He was super nervous as his worlds collided and his face got all red which was adorable. He showed us some of their work around the classroom, showed us some journal pages he'd written (<3), and did some math exercises for us. I told his teacher I was super impressed and shocked that he read all of Go Dogs Go to Eva that morning. She just smiled and said she's not at all surprised. They have three confident readers in the class and he's one of them. HE'S BEEN HOLDING OUT ON ME! Apparently I don't sit down and read with him/encourage him to read to me often enough. It's amazing! Although we can no longer spell words to speak in code around the house which is irritating. 

Dave & Dom at the top of the space net

5. Spring is here! Aside from today and tomorrow where it's going to be raining, the weather has finally turned into the spring that lightens my mood, allows me to breathe, and gives me energy. It makes such an incredible difference in my day!

Beautiful morning for Dom's soccer last Saturday

I spent a long time sitting out on the patio reading my book :) Much more peaceful than being inside haha. 

Really really enjoying this: Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. It's been recommended to me many times over the last 10 years, but I'm finally at a point where I need it and am absorbing and critiquing, questioning and figuring out how all these things work for me and my family.

Maybe these Tuesday Toddler playdates will become a regular thing! Park & ducks with the 3 local Gerber babies <3

So Eva doesn't look a lot like me I feel, but a lot of our features are so similar. The shape of our eyes, the shape of our nose, the shape of our mouth... Interesting!

Eva wearing Aunty Rachel's old sweater from when she was a toddler, over 30 years ago!

6. A relaxing day in Agassiz. It gets easier every time getting our family packed up and out to Gramma & Grandpa's! As long as we're armed with snacks for the drive we can typically make it there with minimal meltdowns *cough... Eva*. We had a wonderful day with lunch, ping pong, pool, easter egg hunt, a few birthday celebrations, dinner and a walk to the park! 

Grandpa built a pool table!

Ping pong table fits right on top of the pool table

Kimber Cousins

Haha must be time to go home! Everyone's getting cranky :)

Eva working on her Easter Egg hung after her nap with some bedhead

Okay more photos from the week!

Woke up at 7:15 on Sunday morning to this haha

Eva was smashing the dog's bowl and yelling "MUCUS". Took me too long to realize she was trying to say, "MUSIC"! haha

Lucky D got his first black eye playing street hockey with a neighbour boy. That's part of road hockey bud!

Dave got a beauuuutiful day for a recent Vancouver shoot doing Commercial Photography!

These photos are going to be so amazing!!

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