Tuesday 16 May 2023

Lately! JARS/Emilia Birthday/Horseback Riding/Heat Wave/F1/Eva Sick/Mother's Day!

Life got away from me again!

Alrighty. So a couple weekends ago Adam was in town, so we got together with the siblings and had some pizza for dinner, had a mini early birthday celebration for Emilia, and then the boys and I stayed for some Rockband, ping pong and catch-up time!

Making some cupcakes for her mini birthday

The next day was Race Day, and Desiree invited us over to watch the race at 12:30. We packed the kids along, put Eva down for a nap there, and then didn't see the big kids the rest of the time. Glorious haha!

May 9 was Emilia's 5th birthday! We started the morning "waking her up" (in reality I had to send her back to bed twice before that) by our tradition of throwing balloons at the birthday person and singing Happy Birthday :). She opened one present before school, had THE BEST day at school (I've never seen her so excited), and then we had dinner with Oma and opened her second present after school. We got her this little digital camera from Amazon. It's been so great. She's taken over a thousand photos and it's been really fun for them to play with. We got it on sale for like $35... WAY worth it! We bought Dom one as well we will surprise him with when we go to the cabin this summer. It also has a few games on it so the kids are now obsessed with playing Snake haha. Like THE snake game. 

That night Eva was up fussing and crying much of the night. I got up for spin and work, and Dave brought Eva into bed. She fell asleep and he woke her up around 9:10am. She was back in bed by 11:40. Bad news bears. She came down with some yucky bug with fever and cough that is still going on. She hasn't had a fever for a couple days and is back to sleeping through the night again, but the cough is pretty yucky and wet sounding. Guess it's going around! 

Thursday I spent the whole morning snuggling Eva, and then I got the privilege of taking Emilia on a preschool field trip to A&T Equestrian centre! They got to ride horses (or in her case a pony), groom horses, walk horses, and do a fairy hunt in the forest. She was super nervous and apprehensive at first, but once we got going she was loving it and is SO proud of herself haha. 

Caption this! Haha Eva trying to rest in bed and getting the mom treatment with everyone wanting to be around her at the worst possible time.

She brought her camera. I should go through those photos too haha

By the time I got home Eva had a high fever and was clearly feeling unwell. I snuggled her and took her for a walk. 

Friday was the start of a nasty little May heat wave. Temperatures were 30-35 for 4 days and it was a little triggering from that heat dome we had a couple years back when Eva was a newborn! While Dom was at school Emilia helped me prep her cake for her birthday party scheduled for the next day. Dom brought home and gave me his mother's day cards from school and I love them haha. 

My portrait haha. It's magical <3

For dinner I took Dom & Emilia to Bobo Moma's 92nd birthday party. We had pizza, cake, cookies, dropjes and chocolate milk haha! Perfect. It was also the best place for kids as it was all fenced in. There was a fountain and lots of little rock gardens. I wish Eva could have come, but she was still much too ill. 

Saturday morning Eva seemed to be doing better, so we all went to Dom's soccer. Then Dom had a dentist appointment for a random tooth he has growing in behind his top front teeth. As it turns out it's an extra tooth and it has to be removed. Dang it... While he was gone Emilia and I decorated her cake and got ready for her party! It was so hot, so we had it outside. 

Croquets for dinner courtesy of mom & dad, pool, water table, sprinkler, etc. All the things that make a hot summer party a good time! All that was important to me was that Emilia felt special. And she did :)

Sunday was Mother's Day! We had no plans and I had no expectations. I went in really relaxed about everything and it turned out to be my best mother's day yet! No crazy special gifts or anything, but I didn't have any newborns, no postpartum depression, no drowning in responsiblity... things are just getting easier! In the morning I said, "Let's go get Tim Hortons and have a picnic!" We got our breakfast and ate outside, and I sat outside in the shade all morning since it was going to be such a scorcher. I had kids with me, but Dave took care of all the snacks and lunch for them. That was the biggest game changer for me I think. The main difference for me on mother's day as opposed to any other day was that I 100% relinquished the mom/wife guilt. I shamelessly asked Dave to do all the food and that freed up SO much of my day. I haven't felt that relaxed in a very long time. 

Anyway we got an Uber Eats coupon and used it to order sushi for the two of us for lunch. Then during Eva's nap, Dom was downstairs playing video games with Dave and Emilia and I did some of her crafts from her birthday. Wish I could channel this energy on other days somehow! Definitely had some housework catch up to do the last couple days since then haha. I forgot to take pictures, but in the evening Mom took me to Cactus Club for dinner! It was so hot at home that Dave set up a movie in the girls' room where the AC is. Time for us to get some AC...

People across the street were getting rid of this desk. They said 15 years ago it was picked up in front of someone else's house in Ontario and it's travelled from there to here and is now ready to go onto a new home! It fits perfectly under Dom's desk and he feel so important <3

Monday was my first full day working at the school covering for their Admin Assistant! All things considered I think it went pretty well! I was SO exhausted by the end of the day, especially after standing outside to do the bus loading and attendance in the freakish heat in my long pants. Sweat factory. We got home and everyone was cranky and hot and I didn't have any dinner plans. We ended up going to Mom & Dad's and throwing together something for dinner there because their house was bearable. Ours... not so much. 

We hosted small groups in the evening and instead of baking indoors, we sat out in the green patch with chairs, the kiddie pool, picnic blankets and snacks. Turned out great!

Sent this to Dave before going out to do the bus haha. Stomach was in knots. It all worked out though :)

This morning both the big kids were at school and Eva is feeling much better, so I brought her to Tynehead with Sherlock. He hasn't had a proper walk in a few days because it was too hot.

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