Friday 27 January 2023

Lately - Tooth Fairy/Sisterly Bonding/Dance Parties

Looking back at the pictures from this last week, it looks like there has been a LOT of sisterly bonding going on! And there has :) Emilia and Eva play together so much, and like really together now. Not just Eva interfering and Emilia tolerating. They seek each other out, have similar interests, and Emilia is SO patient with her. It's amazing. 

Last Friday we had Hiker still from his overnighter and Gramma & Grandpa came to get him in the afternoon. It was Gramma's birthday, so we invited them to stay for dinner and had invited Rachel, Kyle and Rebecca to come too! I made Buddha bowls and we had tuxedo cake (Gramma's favorite, but also my favorite lucky for me!). They were of course both hits. 

Saturday morning I had band practice and then in the afternoon we met up with Phoebe and Ash at the library. We haven't gone in a long time and they actually have the kids area open and kids activities now! Much nicer for having toddlers at the library haha. 

Sisterly bath time bonding. Look at those laughing faces <3

Sunday I was at church from 8-1230 playing bass for both services. Dave brought the kids for the first service and Dom & Emilia went to cornerstone. I hung out with Eva in the foyer and then after church on the way down the stairs Dom lost his first tooth! It's been VERY wiggly for a long time, so I was relieved (though also grossed out). The tooth fairy brought him $2, and according to him she (they discussed and decided tooth fairy is probably a she) brought the money at exactly midnight because he'd be fast asleep. The next day he lost his second tooth! Both the adult teeth on the bottom were already coming in. I feel a little weird about how much he's going to change the next couple years with his teeth coming out and growing in and him no longer being a little kid! 

Aunty Lasagna surprised Emilia with some more animals for her collection so Emilia brings them out every time she watches the Lion King (which is wayyyyy more often than I care to admit). Also, I have to hide every time she watches it because I can't handle Mufasa dying haha. 

On Monday Emilia and Eva came up to my room the other day dressed in Elsa dresses and asked me to turn on Frozen music. It rapidly turned into an epic dance party and now we have an Elsa dance party every day! 

I cannot get over Eva in this dress. It is way too small for her and she kept fighting with the waistband, but love it so much. She wore it to school drop off this morning OVER her jammies haha. 

Real life mess haha

Monday evening I attended a listening circle at church to talk and share about the Synod's decision in June 2022 of making homosexuality a confessional sin and how it's affected us and what we need to move forward. It was really good. I cried, but hey... that's how I feel so I guess I can be vulnerable in that space! 

Tuesday I did school drop off which included the wait for preschool to start, so the girls played in the rain on the playground and Emilia showed Eva how to climb on the wobbly bar things. 

Wednesday morning I went to spin, then to church for 7 hours, then to pick up Dom from school. While I waited for him I speed read the chapters from The Secret Message of Jesus for Small Groups that evening. While I was out Dave went to get Eva up from her nap and couldn't find Emilia. He checked Dom's room and found that it was SIGNIFICANTLY cleaner than when Dom left for school. Then he eventually found Emilia in our room cleaning it. Hahaha! I mean I don't know who this creature is, but she had the best intentions and was so excited to show us all our clean rooms. 
Dave had a shoot in the afternoon so I was on dinner duty, then he came home in time for bedtime, and then I went out to small groups after bedtime. It was a very long, exhausting, but good day. 

I guess she made our bed... and was working on cleaning up the pile of not dirty enough for the laundry, but also not clean enough for the drawers clothes. Everyone has one of those right?

I've been busier with work trying to squeeze it in wherever I can as I try to double my hours. It means I also have to take a step back and allow the house to not be as tidy as I like, and to spend more intentional/quality time with the kids. Today I hung out with the girls in their room while they had yet another dance party in their beautiful dresses. 

Emilia dressed herself for school drop off today. Elsa dress, Star Wars socks, Yoda pants, Yoda sweater... It looked interesting! Haha

You can't see her Elsa dress underneath her jacket :) 
She's growing up. She's changed a lot the last few weeks it feels like. 

(Look at these two holding hands. Too cute)
Eva and her dancing. She's been a dance machine since she was a baby, but her dancing has evolved recently and greatly resembles some sort of interpretive/contemporary dancing I've seen on So You Think You Can Dance back in the day haha. She has great body control for a not even 2-year-old. Did NOT get that from me. 

Emilia got her dance moves from me :) Haha Sorry girl!

This evening we have dinner at Jeff & Marta's, and tomorrow Dom starts soccer again! Next Thursday he's also starting a very affordable basketball for beginners program which will run every Thursday evening for 6 weeks. 

I wish we could sign all the kids up for something. Dom would love any sport, and we do what we can because he's older. Emilia would benefit greatly from something (gymnastics would be awesome for her confidence), and Eva would thrive in some sort of toddler dance class or gymnastics. Why is life so expensive? :( I don't want the kids to miss out on opportunities purely because we can't afford it. 

Alas... that is one of the things we realized may happen when we decided to put them in private school. Living with our own decisions haha. 

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