Friday 3 February 2023

Fast Week (Soccer/Babies/Women's Night/Church/Snow Day/White Spot/Basketball)

Last Saturday morning Dom started Soccer Shots again. He picked right up where he left off, although he was feeling a little nervous about being with the "big kids" as he's in the age 6-8 group now. Despite being one of the youngest, he was definitely also one of the biggest haha. 

Last year at this time he started soccer for the first time and the first two or three sessions he sat on the sidelines and barely participated at all. So amazing seeing him grow up and build confidence! <3

Emilia went with Dom & Dave to basketball, so Eva and I hung out at home for a bit. 

Saturday afternoon Mom & I went down to Vancouver to meet Rachel & Hannah's babies Arie (8 weeks) and Iva (11 days at the time). I didn't get a photo of Arie before he went down for a nap, but I snuck this one of Iva and my heart <3. These babies satisfied my baby fever. Fever not to have my own, but to snuggle babies!

So fresh!

Aunty Pam with her littlest grandbabies

Saturday evening they had a Women's Clothing Swap at church. I have been working at getting re-engaged at church and this was a perfect event for some reconnecting! They had a huge grazing table, they served a glass of wine or a beer, there was a flower arranging station/room, and then there was a ton of really great clothes that people had donated! There was a donation jar at the door (minimum $5 donation) and then everything else throughout the evening was free! 
I got quite a few nice items and had a really awesome time. Definitely should become an annual thing!

Sunday morning we took the kids to church. The big kids went to and enjoyed Cornerstone (woo hooo!! loving that!), and Eva went to nursery for the first time. I brought her in and she sort of wandered off and grabbed a book, so I didn't get to explain to her what was going to happen. I just snuck out. She found Natalia and they read books together, but when Natalia left to find someone else's parent Eva LOST it. I had to go fetch her from the nursery and take her outside just to calm her down a little. Oops!! Hopefully I didn't just ruin nursery forever for her haha. 

Cold snap after a bunch of rain means ice in the water table!

Got out to the park in the sunshine on Sunday afternoon. 

Dom is just looking so grown up lately I can't handle it.

On Tuesday morning we woke up to a dusting of snow. No biggie. We packed everyone into the van and as we were about to leave, we got a text from Kirstin saying to stay home. The roads everywhere were TERRIBLE. Accidents all over our neighbourhood and every major route, and she even got into an accident on her way into work. Umm... I guess we're having a snow day! 

I squeezed in some sourdough baking this week.

Emilia, "Can we take a picture of us having a snuggle before I go to bed?" 
Of course sweetie!

Tuesday evening at bedtime Jeff texted me asking what I was up to. I had no plans, so he invited me over to have some wine and hang out. Super spur of the moment, but we had a really nice time! I forgot to take a picture though so it might as well have never happened haha!

Wednesday morning I went to spin, then to work, then picked up Dave and the girls to go pick up Dom. We brought them straight to my parents house and then went to meet up with Brent & Amy at White Spot. It has been years since we've hung out with them like this and we used to do it almost weekly! 

The boys got onion rings and the girls got the crispy brussel sprouts. Brent will never admit it, but I think he was jealous. 

Thursday was another big day where I wasn't home at all! Preschool drop off, and then straight to a walk with Ashleigh & Phoebe who we also haven't seen in a really long time. From there, I went home to put Eva down for a nap, went to pick up Emilia from school, went grocery shopping, came home to pick up Eva and Dave, and then we all went to pick Dom up from school. We brought Sherlock and I took Sherlock and the girls for a walk to my parents' house where Dom & Dave met us. We had an early dinner there and then Dom & Dave went out to Dom's first day of "Basketball for Beginners!" with Hoops. 

Eva taking very good care of her baby

Eva's Wiggles watching posture.

Look at that smile! He's never really showed much interest in basketball, but we wanted him to give it a try. We were lucky that every single kid in his group happened to be from his school, all but 1 were in kindergarten, and 3 others were from his class. He marched right in. Dave was very proud!

Today I tried to catch up on some things around the house. 
One big thing that happened is we received some financial aid from the school. They were given a grant to give out to families with financial need. We applied back in December, and we now received $950 in gift cards to President's Choice. That is soooo helpful and appreciated. Things are tight right now, so it gives us a bit of breathing room this month at least!

I also got a $10 gift card for Starbucks from the school this week. I saw a newsletter email came in from them so I opened it and read through it and at the bottom it said, "The first two people to send an email with words of encouragement/praise to their campus' principal will receive a Starbucks gift card." I did it right away and apparently was the first person to email Tom! He asked my Mom if she'd given me a heads up, but she did not. I just actually open and read those things because I understand the work that goes in to putting them together haha!

"Mom, take my picture!"

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