Friday 20 January 2023

Lately - A Dull Roar of Activity

Ah I've done it again. Gone almost 2 weeks without a post. This time it's partially because I haven't taken many pictures and we've just been doing life, but there are some fun things that happened too!

It's been pretty business as usual the last couple weeks which is nice. We were SO busy over the holidays, so it's now gone down to a dull roar of activity :)

Hey, does anyone want a toddler 1-2 days per week? (Only sort of joking). I need to work more and I also need a break from Eva. I have reached out to a few daycare centres and am on their waitlists, but chances of 1-2 days per week for an almost 2-year-old are SLIM!

Walked down on 176 with Eva and Sherlock. She was stoked about all the big trucks "WOAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! TUK!!! TUK!!!"

We got our property assessment. Blech. Seriously. I mean it's not another 28% jump thankfully, but yeesh.

Went to grab some clothes for her after her bath and she took off on me. Found her halfway up the ladder in Dom's room.

School pick-up

We made the cookie and brownie jars the kids got from Aunty Allana for Christmas

Eva kept busy for about 4 minutes and 25 seconds playing Playmobil. I'll take what I can get haha.

Dave and I ordered some sushi, cashed in our scratch and wins from Christmas, and played darts downstairs white watching Muse - Live at Wembley for a date night. 

On Saturday Dave took ALL THREE KIDS to Abbotsford for a family brunch. I was supposed to go, but I asked Dave if he'd be willing to take them so I could get some things done around the house. It's been a major struggle doing anything with Eva around. Like anything. 
I realized Emilia had no runners (at all), so I did a Talize run and got a bunch of great shoes for all 3 kids for $40!!

Excited about her new shoes. 

Poor little girl got pink eye :( We caught it pretty quickly so it didn't get bad. Her second eye got it a bit, but again only symptomatic for a few hours. So far nobody else in the house has gotten it! Fingers crossed!!

Uncle Scott found a huge pack of 2022-23 hockey cards at his work so I bought those from them and gave them to Dom. His hockey card binder is almost full! He still spends hours each day with his hockey card binder and his team logos I printed for him last July prior to our trip to the cabin. 

Jesse helped Dave install some legit gym flooring in the garage and it looks so great! 
Jeff has also been coming over two mornings/week to work out with Dave. Dave's dream is to share the gym and work out with other people so this is perfect!

She got her helmet on and I thought she might ride her strider for a minute! She stood on it, wobbled and then got upset. 

Not sure the ottoman bottom is strong enough for this, but she was busy and quiet for another 4 minutes, so we allowed it. She actually stayed in one spot. Could hardly believe it haha.

I FINALLY finished this puzzle I started in like October. 

She found Emilia's Jellycat bunny and started snuggling it and sucking her thumb (which she never does outside the crib). I think it reminded her of Phoebe's bunny that she loves to carry around and snuggle and suck her thumb with. 

She found Dom's potato head Star Wars toys that he got for his 1st or 2nd birthday from Gramma and Grandpa.

I tried to make a quick grocery story run with Eva and Emilia. No such thing with a toddler. Emilia sticks RIGHT next to me, Eva is a wanderer haha.

Here's some big news! Dom had his first filling(s) at the dentist! I picked him up early from school and brought him. I think I was more nervous than he was, mostly because I didn't want him to be traumatized or afraid of the needle/freezing/pain. Alas. He was an ABSOLUTE champ. The dentist and aide couldn't believe it. They said he was the best 6-year old they've ever had and that I should be a very proud Mom. He was completely compliant, relaxed, didn't even have a curious tongue. I don't know how he did so well. Such a sweet little old soul <3
I mean it probably helped that he had a blanket, took off his shoes to get comfy, had his rubiks cube to keep his hands busy, got to watch TV with headphones, etc. Different experience than when I was a kid! 

Once he was frozen and they started the drilling I went and grabbed a coffee in the lobby. 

Dom asked me to take a picture of his x-ray from last time. Filling was in the bottom left tooth on the picture between those two teeth. When they drilled it out they found a shadow starting on the tooth next to it so they just went ahead and filled that one too. 

I am SO thankful we applied for/received the Canada Child Dental Benefit as that covered Dom's exam and his fillings for us. If it were not for that, I don't think we would have gotten him in for his cleaning/exam and who knows what would have happened with these cavities. I wish dental was covered like regular medical is. 

Emilia and Dom made lego structures. They speak to their personalities well. 
Emilia's is creative, artsy and whimsical. 
Dom's is symmetrical, structured and strong. 

Soaking wet drop off this Tuesday

Still doing this thing twice a week at 5:45! They have added an additional 6(?) bikes to the room and all of a sudden classes are FULL! Usually in a "full" class there would be 15 or so people. Now suddenly it's near 30. Different vibe for sure. New Years Resolutions?

On Thursday Emilia's class had a gymnastics field trip. She was SO excited! She was extremely clingy and meek around the other people, but did actually try a few things and really wants to be signed up for gymnastics classes. They're just so expensive! I don't have another $120/month to spend! I also really don't want to not do it and have her/us regret that in the future. Sticky spot for us here...

I think her favorite was the balance beam

She also enjoyed swinging on the rings

Last night we had Scott & Ash over for dinner. They brought potato soup in the crockpot which was 10/10 delicious! 

I'll have to try take some more pictures this week. I've been doing yoga much more regularly the last few weeks which has felt good, but I'm also struggling to fit these things into my days. Hence the 6am blogging this morning. 

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