Tuesday 2 August 2022

Last Post Pre-Camping - Heat Wave Survival!

We were originally supposed to do a road trip to Winnipeg for a family reunion this summer, but that was cancelled, so we are joining Gramma, Grandpa, Rachel and Rebecca on the first leg of their trip to Edmonton to watch Allana compete in dog agility regionals this coming weekend. We are going to be going up to Clearwater/Wells Gray for some camping and waterfall sight-seeing! 

Anyway, this week/weekend was just so. so. so hot. Not quite as hot as last year (where with the humidex it felt like 48-50 degrees, but this week it was feeling like 40+ degrees. At that point you just can't breathe and with our lack of central AC in the house, we couldn't catch a break. I was a bit triggered by last year and we did some AC chasing just trying to keep relatively comfortable. 

It's nice today having a break from the crazy heat and feeling so much more at ease! Anyway, on Thursday I did spin and then worked in the morning and was actually cold at work which I wasn't about to be complaining about! After work I went home and picked up Dom & Emilia while Eva napped and Dave edited. The three of us took Sherlock swimming, ran a couple stay-in-the-car errands and then headed home. They loved playing on the little beach. 

"Hi I'm neurotic!"

She's looking so grown up!

When I got home I felt completely overwhelmed by the heat. That was the day the strata had hired a company to clean our windows and siding, so we couldn't have any AC in the windows. We have two units, one in each of the kids' rooms, so at least their rooms remain safe. Without those running, their rooms were stifling along with the rest of the house and I totally panicked. My mom invited us over for dinner/a break as they were having Scott & Ash over for dinner anyway. It was just what we needed, and we were able to get the AC going again for bedtime so it was just Dave and I suffering. 

These girls fighting over the space and waters and whatever they can find to fight about. It will be so fun to watch them grow up together. 

Friday morning I did spin again and then we went to the Surrey Museum with Kirstin, Wren, Ashleigh & Phoebe. The museum was my last outing with the kids before COVID and we haven't been back since. They had a great time and we had the place to ourselves for the first half hour or so. 

Emilia last time we were at the museum in March 2020.

After the museum I did some more AC chasing and brought the kids to my parents' place again during the day and Eva's nap. After naptime we came home and almost immediately went to Jesse & Kirstin's for dinner. We went home to put the kids to bed and then went back over for some games. So thankful for these friends!

Drawing on the magnetic drawing board trying to make a man with a moustache and I accidentally drew Grandpa haha!

Horse Raceeeeeees! Followed by some Wizard which I lost miserably.

Saturday there was a Kimber family reunion planned in Abbotsford. I was THIIIIIIIIS close to keeping Eva and myself home for a few reasons. One of them being her crappy travelling. We rearranged some seats in the van so that she could see the big kids better. They were both in the back seat and she is rear-facing in the middle of the middle row. It will give me the option to sit beside her on our way to Clearwater this Thursday. Hoping that significantly decreases the screaming on the drive! Another reason I almost bailed was that I was just peopled out. Chasing AC is great and very helpful, but also creates a lot of extra social action for this introvert! A third reason was that it was expected to be 40 degrees in Abbotsford again and I was anxious about being outside in that with all the kids. 
In the end we all decided to go and everything went a lot better than I expected. Dom & Emilia played with Rebecca, Eva wandered around entertaining herself most of the time. Dinner was delicious and I ate inside in the AC with the kids. We rode the gator, the kids played by the pond, and the drive went relatively well!

He's so big. Cue the mixed Mommy feelings about losing him for 5 days a week in September!! :(

It was brought to my attention that exactly 1 year ago when we came to this same BBQ, I had Emilia in this dress haha! Emilia was 3. Eva is just over 1. Too good.

Last year

I gave Emilia my phone to take pictures for a bit and she got a few gems!
Credit: Emilia

Credit: Emilia

Credit: Emilia

Credit: Emilia

Credit: Emilia

Credit: Emilia

I followed the kids as they explored the pond/waterfall area


One quick ride with Mommy before we go home! They wanted to take me to pick fresh blueberries

Dom was so cute explaining everything to me and making sure I felt safe and comfortable. He felt very important and brave in the back of that gator. Why does he look like a teenager :(

The berries were SO so delicious

Sunday morning we took the kids and Sherlock to the pond so Sher could swim again! It's the only activity he'll do in this heat and we want to keep him active. I anticipated the kids might accidentally get their clothes a bit wet so I packed a change for each of them just in case. I did not anticipate Eva running in up to her chest and splashing and trying to swim and dunk herself. I also didn't anticipate Emilia being knocked into the water by a large rambunctious dog haha. Such is life at the offleash dog area!

So pleased with herself

She was drenched head to toe and her diaper was about 300lb on its own, so I ditched that and carried her back to the car. At least she kept me cool.

She was totally bonkers. Also, this photo was taken on my new Google Pixel 6. I will start using it for real once I get my case today, but Dave was trying it out before deciding which new phone he wanted to get. Crazy photo! Also... Proofofmom!

We beat the afternoon heat in J&K's backyard with their bubble machine and little pool, and then while the big kids had a cold bath, Eva splashed in the water table. 

Most of our days have just been slow, relaxing, more movies than usual, lots of audiobooks, etc. Everyone's going a little crazy, so I'm hoping we can get outside a bit more with this milder weather, and then we'll be spending the whole weekend outside at camping! Pray for no smoke! There are quite a few fires that popped up this week, and there is now a campfire ban in Clearwater :(. I'm worried about Dom's lungs though. Even with the smog and air pollution this last week (there was an air quality advisory), he was coughing much more than usual. His lungs have always been a little weak, so I just don't want to be stuck in smoky air while we're out there! Fingers crossed. 

Who invented toddlers. Seriously. She's so messy and needy and noisy. But also one of my favourite ages (so far) because of the developments and words and changes that come so often!

Caught Dom practicing some writing all on his own. <3 This boy is so ready for Kindergarten in September!

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