Wednesday 17 August 2022

Eva - 16 Months

Eva is 16 months now and is still growing and changing every day. She is 1000% a toddler now and brings all the good and challenging that comes with that haha. 

Weight: 27.5 lb (96th percentile)
Height: 32.5 inches (95th percentile)


  • Size 2T-3T clothing. Short sleeve shirts are often 3T so that they're long enough. Pants are 2T. Size 5 diapers and size 5-6 shoes usually. She has 8 teeth still, but is working on two bottom molars right now.
  • She is still a flapper and knows many words, learning and copying many more every day. She started stringing two words together this month. "Hi Bebe (Phoebe)", "Hi Dada", "Big poo." 
  • She loves Yoda and points to him and calls him "Oda". 
  • If she's bringing you something she'll say, "Dee do" which means "Here you go". 
  • Today she pointed to the freezer and said, "Eetee". It took me a bit, but I figured out she was asking for a freezie... I have never given her a freezie. I guess the big kids sneak her bites haha. 
  • Her bunny and blanket are very important to her. She calls them "Nana" and "Dee dee". 
  • I found out just today that she can match up colours. We had the yarn balls and crocheted bowls out and she just started matching them up. Go Eva!
  • Still the craziest dance machine I know. 
  • She has no fear of the water. We go swimming at a pool or a lake and she keeps trying to dunk her face in the water to blow bubbles, but has no idea how to blow bubbles. She thinks it's hilarious. 
  • She has been struggling with teething and these molars really badly the last week and a bit. She had a few nights where she took over an hour to get to sleep at night. Just screaming, crying, stuffed up from crying and teething so she couldn't suck her thumb, etc. She'd calm quickly if we went in there and snuggle right in. Eventually it became a bit of a crutch, but I did enjoy the snuggles! She wasn't a snuggly baby at all, so it's nice to have this affection from her. 
  • We did our first camping trip with her this month. The drive was 6-7 hours each way and she did okay. Not fantastic and still only slept for 20-25 minutes each time, but it definitely could have been worse! Same with camping. She did well! She's a toddler so a ton of work, but she loved being outside so much. 
  • She gets 2 bottles per day now. I tried homo milk when she turned 15 months and it messed her tummy up almost right away, so we're still doing goats milk (or formula when we run out).
  • I had to trim her bangs the other day as they kept getting in her eyes. 
  • I don't consider her very girly and rarely dress her up, but I brought out two very fancy dresses the other day and she walked into her room and saw them and just lit up and started nodding and pointing. I asked her which one she wanted, and she came right over to the flashy one with the blingy buttons and unicorns and sparkles. She thought she was the shit walking around with that thing on. 
  • She loves her little friends and cousins so much. 
  • I am sort of looking forward to seeing her in our house when Dom is in school, and on days when both the big kids are out. Those are the times she's allowed to sit quietly and learn like a toddler instead of being left out, sent away, or playing like a 4 and 5 year old. The rare times she does get to herself she is quite introspective and focused. I'm curious to get to know HER. It will be fun seeing where she's at with puzzles, animal sounds, etc. She just doesn't get a lot of one on one time with us. 
  • Signs "help" instead of whining when she needs help or needs something. Very handy.
We love you little Eva BoBeeva! <3

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