Thursday 20 January 2022

Thankful Thursday - 284

This week I am thankful for...

1. Dom is vaccinated! I was super gung ho about getting him vaccinated and looking forward to him turning 5. Then he turned 5 and we got the message to book his appointment and I froze. It suddenly felt like a big deal and a big decision and I panicked. Alas, I got over it and we booked it. I took him to get his vaccination this past Tuesday and he did SO well. After his flu shot debacle (where he screamed and had to be pinned down basically) I was a bit concerned I'd have to fight him. He chose to bring his Henry and Emily trains along. We talked about the importance of him getting the vaccine, and then switched over to discussing trains. The doctor who administered the shot was awesome. He had a grandson named Dominic, talked about the Canucks since D was wearing his Canucks shirt, talked about the trains, and just made sure Dom was comfortable before even getting him in position. Dom didn't even flinch. Not a tear. He was so stinking proud of himself. He got to pick a cookie and a couple candies and some stickers as a "reward", and as we sat our 15 minutes before leaving he told me, "It hurt a little bit, but this time I was just ready to feel brave." 

So proud <3

Trying to show his muscles

2. Lots of seeing people! We made up for lost time this week and did a lot of social things. We had Michael, Matt, Noah and Rachel over, we had a small group online games night, we visited Opa and Oma, Ashleigh and I had a girls night at Cactus, Scott and Ash brought dinner over, Eva and Phoebe had a playdate, we had dinner with Jesse and Kirsten, and then everything slowed down! 

Somewhere in there we had two COVID exposures. We're on day 5 from first exposure, and day 3 from second exposure. On Tuesday afternoon we had some dry throats and Dom and I had some red bumps in his throat which we usually get when we're fighting something, but nobody complained about anything and it literally just felt like we were thirsty. 

Yesterday our throats became a little more noticeable and Eva seemed more tired than usual and slept longer during the day, but again. Nothing to write home about. 

Today we kept the kids home from preschool just in case. Dave and my throat hurt a bit more, but nothing like razor blade feeling or anything. Just feels a bit swollen and dry. We're a bit tired and off feeling, but honestly if we didn't know we'd been exposed I probably wouldn't think anything of it. We felt worse with the minor colds we got in December.

I don't even know if COVID is what it is. I mean chances are... given the timeline of things. I'd love to get a rapid test though as we're supposed to have our third vaccinations next Wednesday. If we DO have COVID we'll have to cancel, if we don't I'd love to get them! Won't be able to book a test for a while though, and by that point who knows if it would even still register. Complicated times.

If things don't change, I still plan to go on my weekend away. I'll be isolating in a hotel room regardless of whether or not I'm sick, so I'd say it's about as safe an activity as it gets haha!

Opa and Oma's new place at Elim is fantastic!

Eva's so social. No stranger danger with this girl!

Only photo from our late night at Cactus Club. We had too many drinks and took Ubers. My first time taking an Uber. I felt "uber" hip. Haha can I be any more of a grandma?!

These girls got to play lots! <3

Wren showing off her Christmas gifts

Aunty Ashleigh sent me some pics from their playdate! While Eva was out, I organized our closet and purged a HUGE bag of clothes!

I think this is the first time I've left Eva at anyone else's house(?). For sure anyone that isn't the grandparents. I had full faith she was in good hands <3

3. A new Disney movie. I'm kind of tired of Frozen and Cars, so I finally convinced the kids to watch Encanto the other day since I've heard so much about it. I loved it. It was a great story, not too scary, awesome music (which has now been on repeat), and I am looking forward to watching it again. I actually cried. I very rarely cry in movies. When I do, they're usually an animation for some reason. We watched it again tonight. I'll have to get Dave's thoughts on it, although I noticed he nodded off a few times haha

No pics for Encanto, so here's the kids <3

Dom teaching Emilia how to play Monopoly. They actually play it right - crazy!

4. The Trains. For Dom's birthday we got him a bunch of the Thomas trains, and Mom got him a bunch of tracks. These kids have been playing trains nonstop pretty much since then. Love the stories they come up with. Or they'll listen to audiobooks and act them out with their toys. 

Anyway! If anyone has a rapid test they can share tomorrow we'd love to try. Or if anyone has had similar experiences with COVID (being that you experienced basically no symptoms) feel free to message me. I have been anticipating getting this for 2 years now, and for the last month or so I've been ready for a hefty cold/flu to go through our house when Omicron hits, so it feels weird to think this could be it. I don't know. It's strange times. 

Stay safe out there! It's on the hunt! Haha. Almost everyone I've talked to this week has been sick, exposed, or affected in some way recently. 

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