Thursday 6 January 2022

Thankful Thursday - 282

 New year, new sense of gratitude!

We kept the kids home from preschool this week just to give our household a break from sickness. No regrets as we ease into the routine of this new year. I'll hopefully be going back to the office more, Dave's work will pick up, Eva's on a good schedule, and the kids are ready for their school again!

This week I am thankful for...

1. Moving my body. I did an 8 week barre blend program when I was 3(ish) months postpartum. It felt so good. I have recently picked it up again and am 4 days in. I'm not sure if I'll do the whole 8 weeks, or just do a week or two and then switch over to yoga, but it does feel good to move again; get the endorphins going. 

2. A slow start to the year. We had a slow December, and were anticipating things picking back up into a regular routine this week, but due to snow, school closures, David's cancelled shoots, and sickness, we've been hunkered down again. While we're stir crazy, it is sort of nice to have Dave here as an equal partner (not working) to help out, and we've both been able to rest, work out, share household tasks, etc. I'm anxious for when things pick back up, I try getting back into the office more, and Dave's work gets busy!

These two have had their ups and downs being basically quarantined for the last month together, but mostly ups. Today, for example, they've played together without requiring any intervention or encouragement from me for HOURS. I fed them... That's it. Now they're watching a movie so I can finish this :)

Brought Eves to the veggie market with me this week. I'm 100% certain many people think she's a boy when we're out, especially when I dress her in a dark blue fuzzy sweater haha. Whatever. Doesn't bother me.

Lots of Monopoly happening around here. It's a mutual benefit for Dave and Dom. Dave finally has someone to play monopoly with him, even if it's junior version. Dom gets to have quality time with Daddy and learn more about math!

So grateful for all of this guy's help! We're a great team <3

They played together for a while. Most of the rules were semi-followed. They just needed help reading some of the cards.

3. A girls night! Ashleigh and I went out for some wine at the Dublin last night and it was SO needed and so refreshing. The boys were happy too, because they got to play Xbox online together while we were out. 

I've missed you, friend!

4. Sherlock can walk again! He's fine, but the snow, ice, salt, etc. made it so we couldn't walk him for a long time there. We tried often, but everything hurt his feet. Finally the booties we ordered came in, and I walked him yesterday. Once he got over the fact that he was so offended by the boots, he was just thrilled to be out walking again. We did our whole regular loop and he really got the hang of it. The first block and a half where he was galloping like an awkward baby horse was awesome though. There were people stopping their cars to laugh and comment on him. 

5. Eva's development. She's definitely no longer at the easiest age. Much more demanding, eating solids regularly, having all sorts of opinions, etc., but she's also getting to a super fun stage. Oh man. She's waving, chatting, seeking people out, paying more attention to books and animals, and had the most ridiculous giggle fit the other day. 

Definitely worth a watch if you need a smile!

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