Friday 16 July 2021

Eva - 3 Months

Little miss Eva! Oh gosh, I love this girl. She's the sweetest baby, AND she slept right through the night last night for the first time! 630-615!! Can't believe it! Also... not really ready for it! I secretly enjoy our quiet night time feed.

Weight: 13 lbs. (60th percentile)
Height: 24 inches (80th percentile)


  • Being tickled
  • Laying on her play mat
  • Baths

  • Wears size 3 and 3-6 month clothing. Size 1 diapers for now, but once these are gone we will size up to 2's. 
  • She's changed so much in the last two days it feels like. She is fresh out of Leap 3 and is suddenly learning all sorts of new skills. She is grabbing her toys, and working on her hand-eye coordination. She is chatting and moving her mouth differently. She's more conversational if that makes sense.
  • I breastfeed her 5-7 times per day, and she gets a bottle of pumped milk or formula before bed every night. The bottle is around 5oz. usually. She gets very excited when she is about to be fed, and very angry if she misinterprets something and thinks food is coming, but then it's not happening. 
  • I have stopped doing the dream feed in the last week and a half. I was putting her to bed around 7/730, and doing a dream feed at 10. I found she would start waking up at 530 or 6 though which was really awkward timing when I wanted to start the day at 7/730. After I quit the dream feed she'd be up once to eat between 2 and 4 usually. 
  • SHE SLEPT COMPLETELY THROUGH THE NIGHT LAST NIGHT! I put her to bed at 6:30 after her first ever 3-nap day, and she slept right to 6:15. I was in a lot of pain not nursing for that long, and had to get up to pump a few ounces off, but if she continues like this my body will balance out. 
  • Her wake times are just starting to extend. She was topping out at 1.5 hours, but now they are from 1.5-2 hours throughout the day, which makes her transition to 3 naps inevitable. Again, this has just happened in the last couple days. 
  • She is suddenly so much less newborn. I don't remember it happening so abruptly with the other two. 
  • She blows bubbles and drools like crazy.
  • She does 180's on her play mat. Just scooting around in a circle somehow.
  • She rolls from tummy to back all the time. This created a difficult few days of naps, and one night of waking up every 2 hours, but then she figured it out. She will now be happy to lay on her back, or roll to her side and go back to sleep.
  • She sucks her thumb to self-soothe. 
  • We moved her to her own room a week ago, and we've all been sleeping better. It's so nice to have our room back to ourselves. So good for the marriage. We can actually go to bed and talk about our days. 
  • She bears weight on her legs. If I hold out my fingers and she grabs on, she'll just go stiff as a board waiting for me to stand her up. 
  • She smiles with her whole body, but still makes most people work for her smiles. I can usually get them quite easily.
  • She sort of plays strange; definitely has favourites. I'm her #1 of course.
  • She has been in the jolly jumper a few times. She doesn't jump, but she sort of bounces and swings around. She likes being able to watch everything around her from that vantage point. 
  • She has an epic pout when she's sad
  • She rarely cries when I put her down for a nap or bed. 
  • She can go whole days without crying. Amazing.
Our "typical day" is changing currently, but here's what it has sort of been looking like:

700: Wake & Feed
815-1015: Nap 1
1015: Feed
1130-130: Nap 2
130: Feed
300-400: Nap 3
400: Feed
530-600: Nap 4
600: Feed
700: Bottle
730: Bed

Sometimes she'll have a really good nap 3, or we'll let her go just over two hours on a nap, and then it will end up being just two naps in a day instead of 3, and an earlier bedtime. It's very much transition time, but I know future Renee will want to know our schedule at this point if I have more kids :)

She loves her Mommy

Chins <3

I have to relogin to Photoshop and don't know the password, so I haven't made up my usual collages yet. 
Here are Eva's pictures from 1 week thru 3 months, followed by Dom & Emilia at 3 months. 

Emilia at 3 months.
I feel like Eva is starting to look a bit more like her.

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