Thursday 21 September 2017

Thankful Thursday - 101

This has been a really rough and exhausting week. Dom has been super sick and not sleeping well at all. When he is awake he demands constant attention. However, I still have to find things to be Thankful for in the day to day!

1. The fluffiness. Puppies are such amazing therapy. We're so lucky that we get to visit these sweethearts! Sherlock's nephew and nieces! <3

2. Dom's new skills! I had Janine over yesterday and she was shocked that Dom couldn't go from laying down to sitting on his own yet. I guess his ears were burning. In the middle of the night last night he woke up crying and I looked over and there he was! Sitting up in his crib! We left him for a little bit, and he actually figured out how to lay back down on his own and went back to sleep. This happened twice, so I'm sure the next few nights will be interesting too! Good job Dom!

3. A happy baby. Even though Dom is sick, he still tries to be so happy. It breaks my heart when he's so snotty and can hardly breathe, but still smiles when I bring out the camera. I try to capture a picture of how sick he feels and he manages to sneak in a grin. 

Alllll the snuggles

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