Wednesday 6 September 2017

Labour Day at the Cabin

We went up to the cabin and spent a glorious 6 days there. We left Thursday after Dom's first nap, and came home on Tuesday. My parents, Opa & Oma, and Scott & Courtney were up there as well, some just for a couple days. 

Not much to report from the trip... I got stung by a wasp, went swimming, Scott & Dave went golfing. Those are the best kinds of weeks at the cabin. Largely spent relaxing, eating and sipping the days away. Dom was great, and slept like a champ considering he had to share a room with us. 

 Let's start off with some Dom & Dad selfies. <3

Sherlock keeping the baby company on the drive up. 

Cabin life!


Maybe mildly intoxicated while deciding to raid a wasps nest in the dark... Smart :)

Proving a point perhaps?

We had quite a bit of smoke from lots of the provincial fires. It was still warm, and we had lots of tanning weather. I think there was just enough smoke to keep the temperatures to a tolerable level. This picture doesn't do the sunset justice. So so orange through the smoke!

This inflatable pool was bought by Aunty Lani at Prince's. Best purchase ever! We used it as a pool at times, but otherwise it was used as a little play pen. He could be on the wet grass and not ruin any blankets or anything. He spent much of the day in here. 

One day Dom would NOT go down for his first nap. He screamed for 45 minutes which is so not like him. Poor thing was choking! I finally decided to grab him and go for a drive so he would sleep. And sleep he did! Scott & Dave were golfing, so we drove up past the golf course and through the winding roads towards the Nighthawk Border. What a gorgeous drive! I had to stop a couple times to take some pictures. Too bad it was so smoky. 

Stopped at the golf course on my way back and left a note on their car. As I was driving past the course after this I noticed they were golfing a hole right by the road. My intention was to sneak up and yell "JACKASS!" right as one of them was about to swing, but Dave saw me coming unfortunately. 

Sleepy Boy

Hanging out with Oma


Look! No hands!!

Beating the heat!

Scott, Dad and I went out in the boat so Scott could try a slalom ski for the first time in a long time. I LOVE being in the boat. I'm not huge on water sports (enjoy a good tubing session though), but I love the speed and the wind and the waves.

The flag was lost, so we had to use Opa's swim trunks as a flag... Haha!

Back towards the cabin. That's the "mountain" people often hike from the cabin.

Wicked hair Scottifer

Happy boy!! 

He's been taking more and more bottles lately, and he loves it. I guess I'll have to get over the fact that breastfeeding is almost done! 


Hanging out with Opa for a while so Mom and Dad could read their books! I actually finished a whole book at the cabin! I read "The Light Between Oceans". Very good read!

Perks of being there till the last night? Leftover steak and chicken with the nightly cheese and crackers!


Happy boy on our last morning!

And I leave you with Dominic's distressed-looking pooping face. Haha!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome vacation for you!!! So lovely to have that cabin! Nice pictures :)
