Thursday 2 February 2017

Thankful Thursday - 75

I haven't posted in a while it feels like! And I missed last week's Thankful Thursday! (Life with a newborn I tell ya!)

This week I am thankful for...

1. Midwives and Community Group. We had our last community group meeting with our midwives this week. Everybody brought their babies and we had a birthday party! I wish we had one more meeting to get to know some of the people just a little better, but it was definitely fun to see everyone through the last half of their pregnancies and now with their little ones!
*Side note, Dom surpassed the 10lb mark now!! Chunky boy!*

You can see that Dom is the biggest baby here. The little girl to his left is a close second though! Dom is also the whitest and baldest child! Haha. During the course of taking these pictures, he rolled to his left and started sucking on the little girl's hand beside him. Babies...

2. A night out. We are fortunate to have quite a few people who are more than willing to hang out with Dominic for a couple hours so we can go out and do adult-y things. Last week we were fortunate enough to go out for dinner and drinks at Cactus Club with some friends while Oma watched D. Tuesday night this week Gramma came over so Dave and I could go shopping. I bought some clothes! Hooray for fitting into regular clothes again!

I also had my first week back at agility with Sherlock last night. He was AWESOME! Sooo excited to work! And I felt better than I expected running around for an hour :) Hooray for healing body!

YUP... I had a beer AND a sangria. I have never been so excited for a drink! Haha. * Don't worry, D got a bottle for his next feed after this ;) *

3. Snuggles!

Brief break between screaming episodes

4. Community. We are so blessed with the community we have, both with our family/friends and our church/neighborhood. Our church has started up a meal train for us for the month of February. We've already received a couple meals and it is so nice not to have to worry about cooking! Dinner just miraculously shows up at our door! Also, I was walking Sherlock and Dom the other day, and passed by the little library in our neighborhood. I took a peek and picked out a couple baby books :) Love this neighborhood <3

5. Sleep. I don't want to be that mom, and people may hate me for this, but for the past week (almost), D has been sleeping like a champ at night. I am able to get almost 8 hours most nights of broken sleep. He will go at least 4 hours between feeds at night, and then closer to 3 hours after the 530/630 feed. He has been going down easy at night, and isn't up for long after a feed. He sleeps in a glider swing beside our bed with some white noise on. Whatever helps him/us sleep!! 
**Before you get jealous, know he tends to be very colicky during the day/afternoon... I just have to remind myself to be grateful he's been letting me sleep at night these days. Also, I know this will change. He will one day decide he no longer wants to sleep!**

I tried to have some tummy play time with him the other day and he promptly fell asleep... Butt up in the air farting all the while! Haha... He is my prince charming.

6. Play Dates. Dom and I went to have a play date with Amy and her boys the other day. Carter got a hold of my phone and took hundreds of photos. Good ole burst mode! I kept a few, just curious what a toddler thinks is worth taking documenting with photos!


  1. Supportive family members is priceless!

  2. Henry has that polar bear suit! :) He asks to wear his bear shirt / coat all the time.
    Is that ovol I see on the table? Henry used that too.
    Can't wait to have me a glass of wine!!

    Looking good Kimbers!! Glad you're getting some decent (ish) sleep!
