Tuesday 14 February 2017

Lately - February & 7 Week update!

I haven't done a real post in a long time it feels like!
Well, baby is napping... time for me to unload some pictures on here!

February brought a major snow storm (Snowmageddon). I don't mind the snow to be honest, probably because I don't have anywhere to be! I can stay holed up in my living room in my PJ's snuggling a baby all day if I want! Or, if it's nice out, I can go for a drive, or a walk... I gotta say... I do not miss work AT ALL! Come talk to me in 6 months when Dominic is a little more mobile and requires more active energy haha!

We thought this was a lot of snow... then it kept falling all weekend!

Out for a walk in the snow!

Do you like my giant pantaloons?

Unbelievable. The last time I recall having this much snow was about 8 years ago. The year we had to put Jewel down.

Dark photo, but this was Jewel in her final days :(

Before the snow we had a couple nice days and I took D and Sherlock for a lovely walk around the neighborhood!

Gramma & Grandpa (David's parents) hosted a little meet and greet for Dominic at their house last weekend. He was on his best behaviour and got wonderful snuggles from David's aunties, uncles and family friends! I couldn't believe he slept through the first half of the party! I definitely thought he'd wake up hungry long before he did! 

Auntie Janis

Auntie Linda

Auntie Robin

Kelly, Bev and Jeanine

Dana & Dave

Al was over the moon with baby snuggles!

Gramma & Grandpa got a cake with Dominic's face on it for the event...

However nobody could bring themselves to cut into his face, so this is what's left Haha!

Sherlock sought out the baby the other night and snuggled up to him. This is a big deal... Sherlock does NOT seek out cuddles... ever. (Or almost never). He started out sitting beside Dave and just watching Dominic, and then crept in closer and closer until his head was resting on him. Dominic, being a newborn, started kicking his legs and Sherlock took it like a champ. He wasn't phased by it one bit. I was watching for signs of stress or dominance, but I didn't see any of that. What a good dog!!! These two are going to be the best of friends :)

On Family Day we spent most of the day at my parent's house. Everyone came over, except Marta who was sick. We played games and ate food and drank great wine all afternoon and evening! I was exhausted, so maybe wasn't as sociable as I normally would have been, but it is always so fun to get together. Especially now that they are all so excited about their Grandson/nephew! 
*Considering I have a blog I try to keep up with, I'm really bad at taking pictures when I'm actually out doing things. Only two from this whole day!*

Seriously good nap in the afternoon! Two hours!! I guess he knew he wouldn't sleep the rest of the evening...

Settlers of Catan, Cribbage, Code Names... when did we become such a game family?!

Just this morning, Dominic slept in till 9 (GASP!), so when we woke up it was a rush, but we got to the Public Health Unit for 10am. Every Tuesday they offer free classes for babies up to 6 months from 10-1130. We haven't gone before, but this week was Infant Choking Rescue. No better time than in advance to learn these things! 
There were over 20 babies there this week. Apparently it was much busier than usual. What a blast! Everyone sets up a blanket and hangs out on the floor or in their chair. It is fun to see a few other babies around D's age, one as young as 3 weeks old, and most of them around 4-5 months old. Excited for that age!

I didn't want to take pictures of other peoples' babies obviously, but imagine 20 of these set up all around a mat on the floor in the middle of the room. Much less crying than you'd expect too!

Brief 7 Week Update

I close out this catch-up post with a few cute photos from the last couple weeks. I don't remember life before the baby. It must have been so relaxing. Nothing can prepare you for the lack of time you'll be able to spend on yourself. Cherishing his naps lately where I can sometimes get something done or eat lunch! 

Whenever this guy is content or sleeping, he spits out his soother. He is SO close to finding his thumb. It keeps getting tucked into his fist, so he just chews on and sucks on the end of his fist haha. He is 7 weeks old today and weighs in at 11 lb. 4.7 oz. No problems with weight gain now! :)
Also, I think we got his first giggles this last week! I am so looking forward to watching him become more and more interactive with us!

So cozy & awake!

I was trying to get him down for a nap in the swing, and he kept staring at the blinds. I turned the swing away from them, and he started craning his neck to be able to see them. Kid loves his windows! 

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