Friday 14 April 2023

Thankful Thursday - Health/Easter/New Hair

1. Dom's hockey. Dom has been playing pickup hockey with some of his friends and even some older kids after school some days. So fun for them! He also started floor hockey today at the rec centre. His dream come true haha.
We desperately need to get this kid back on the ice to learn to skate and eventually get him into hockey. He excels. It's hard to describe. 

2. Eva's feeling better. Last week she had a fever for 5 days straight. Something in her mouth was bothering her, but there was nothing we could see and it didn't seem like a sore throat. She had one night where she didn't sleep at all in her own bed, and slept with me for a few hours and that was it. Not what I'm used to! I finally took her to the doctor after day 5 and they also couldn't figure out any cause, but later that day Eva got a rash. I was talking with Katrina and she mentioned roseola. I think that is the most likely cause of the fever and the rash. Poor girl. Nice to have her back though!

I know I'm in trouble when she actually snuggles with me and when she falls asleep on me at bedtime. Luckily this time (as opposed to when she had COVID in November), she agreed to take meds. She calls them "Medicine candy" haha.

Snacks and stickers is all we need to pass the time at the dr. office these days

3. Work opportunities. I think I mentioned I had done a day of training at the school offices as well as doing some data entry projects for them. Last Thursday I had my first mini-shift at the Middle School which worked out as Dom was just brought to me for the last half hour after his school was over. He sat there and colored with another staff's daughter haha. 
Unfortunately this was after the night of no sleep with Eva, and after I worked at Spartan Foundation in the morning, and then at a coffee shop for Kimber Images, and then off to the school. It was a lot. Too much for that one day and my brain!

4. Easter Dinner. On Good Friday we had Easter dinner at my parents' place and that morning I asked if there was going to be an easter egg hunt or anything. That immediately meant I was signing myself up to put together a hunt of course. I went out and got some eggs, gummy bears, stickers, etc. and after dinner the sun just happened to come out and make perfect outdoor hunt conditions! Dom & Emilia crushed it (glad I gave them an egg limit), Phoebe also crushed it, and Eva & Owen sort of wandered around figuring it out as they went. 

I opted for little buckets instead of easter baskets because they're the same price and much more practical!

Eva kept bending down to pick up eggs and dumping her bucket on the way down. 

We didn't have a dinner with the Kimbers, but that didn't stop Gramma and Grandpa from making sure the kids were equipped with Easter goodies!

5. Easter Kids Camp. Our church had a kids camp on Saturday which we went to. They made crafts, did the easter story, and had family games which were hilarious. It was followed by an easter egg hunt that was over just as quick as it started with that number of children!

The camp kids were up on stage dancing, Dom & Emilia had come to sit with us, and Eva was just so content to stand there watching everyone and stomping her foot every so often. 

6. Dollar store find. I got this giant (like 4' x 10') colouring page that is actually pretty thick and good quality for $4 at the dollar store! It spent three full days on our table and the kids just worked away at it! Brilliant. 

7. Date! On Sunday night my parents took the kids in the afternoon and overnight. Dave and I had a lovely date evening which ended too late, and involved me having a very (very) slow morning the next morning. Oops! We went to IKEA, Steel & Oak in New West, Cactus Club, and then ended up playing ping pong and hanging out with Jeff & Marta!

IKEA poutine. I was skeptical. It was actually pretty good!

The next morning while I was still in bed, the cousins got together for a park playdate.

This girl is so funny. She looooves her uncles & Opa/Grandpa. So different from Emilia at this age who had a strong preference for female figures.

8. Got my hair did! Yesterday my mother sent me to get my hair done. I haven't gotten highlights in about 4 years, and was VERY overdue for a cut! My regular hair dresser I went to my entire life no longer does hair, so I tried out Salon Blue in Fleetwood. I had a super sweet stylist and she did an AMAZING job. I don't know how long hair is supposed to take, but somehow my appointment was over 3.5 hours. Literally. I thought I'd be back home just after dinner, but I didn't make it home til 8:00! Maybe I'm just out to lunch on how long hair takes haha! 
The kids keep saying how different I look, and people seem shocked when they see me saying my hair is so light, but when I look in the mirror I feel like I don't look different. I feel like how I'm supposed to look haha. I felt weird with the darker hair. This feels much more natural to me. Much more me. 

Before (SO LONG!)

After! @_sarahdoesmyhair_


Before (last October. Totally natural hair)


I am readyyyyy for spring!

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