Tuesday 19 July 2022

Eva - 15 Months

I tried all day to get a picture of her and this was the best I could get! She has socks on because the blisters on her feet (from her HFM) bother her walking on the hard floor.

Weight: 27 lb (97th percentile) This is after being sick and hardly eating anything for a few days. Followed by one day of proper eating.
Height: 32 inches (92 percentile)


  • Size 2T clothing (or sometimes 3T tops to cover her belly/long torso), 5 diapers, size 4-5 shoes depending on the brand. She has 8 teeth (4 up and 4 down). 
  • She communicates primarily through words. I cannot even begin to list the words she has. It's a lot for her age. She started talking ("hi") at 10 months, so I guess I'm not surprised! That's what she gets for having big siblings chatting at her nonstop all day. 
    • Some of her most recent words are: Cheers, toes, teddy, bubbles, turtle, Ashleigh (ah-sheee), no (this is a favourite lately), achoo, round and round (rou rou)
    • Her pronunciation is hilariously accurate. It seems weird seeing her being so small and coming out with "turtle" on her first try. Or when she shakes her head and says "no" and it just sounds like a full child saying no. Something about it. Hard to explain. 
    • She just communicates so well lately. If you ask her a question you can count on a reliable nod, "no", or confirmation. I asked if she wanted a bottle and she said, "oddle" instead of no. Perfect. She came up to me muttering something so I asked if she wanted up and she shook her head. I asked if she needed help and she shook her head no and pointed to the little screw-cap bottle on the counter. I handed it to her and she looked so proud and walked off. Okay! 
  • She's a mimicker. She has her own little language and/or games she uses for everyone, and copies mannerisms. It's really cute. Her and Owen have this "ah! ah! ah!" language. Her and Phoebe is more chatty, "Ya da weeeee!" Her and Wren have a "Ya! Ya! Ya!" thing going on. I love it. 
  • She is so so social. She will walk up to anyone and say hi. When we were at a park she crouched down beside this random toddler and her mom playing in the sand. She watched for a minute and then just started saying, "Hi!" Oh Eves. Not your mother's daughter this way! She's always trying to be the center of attention. Very different from the other two.
  • She still loves Bruno and will say "Nuno" while shaking her hips to ask to listen to it, or any music for that matter
  • She signs "help" whenever she wants something that she needs help with. Whether it's help getting something, help being put down, help with a toy, etc. She works hard to make a fist. Nice way to communicate. 
  • Last month she was saying "doh" and "da doh" a lot and we couldn't figure it out. We finally figured out she was saying, "Here you go." It was always when she was handing us something and I always say that to her when I give her something. 
  • She asks for kisses going "mmmmmmmmah!" and gives all her puppies kisses every day. 
  • She was the sickest she's ever been just before she turned 15 months when she came down with Hand Food Mouth Disease at the cabin! A fever of 103 in the 36 degree heat with no AC and no way to force her to drink water. It was stressful, and we had a terrible night (like worse than newborn terrible), but she did sleep on my chest for an hour and a half during the day, and over the night too. Best cuddles we've ever had. I can sleep when I'm dead lol. 
  • Loves to snuggle now and will go "awwwww ohhhhhhh" and snuggle right in for a hug
  • She is terrible in the car. She hates it. She did not do well on the drive to or from the cabin and I am anxious about future road trips! She screamed 75% of the time, slept 15% and fussed the other 10%. She has a really hard time falling asleep in the car and only lasts one sleep cycle so napping during the drive is hardly an option. 
  • Not much has changed with her mannerisms. Still sucks her thumb, loves her bunny, etc. etc. 
  • LOVES dogs. "BUPPAAAAA!"
  • She's starting to get into reading books a bit. We haven't done that enough with her. 
  • Plays peek-a-boo adorably
  • She's still getting 2-3 bottles per day. I'm just starting to taper back on to homo milk to see if her belly is ready for it and I can stop buying goats milk. 
  • Dances better than anyone else in our house. Still mostly a hip swayer, but drops it low every so often and gets the shoulders going. 
  • Will sit for 20 minutes screwing a lid on and off of a bottle. 
It took me all day to try and get a picture of Eva that was half decent. She just wasn't having it haha. These are all the same day haha. 4 different photo sessions attempts in total.

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